Thursday, October 3

After hearing screams in a motel, Michigan police find a woman who disappeared 7 years ago

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By The opinion

02 Mar 2024, 16:09 PM EST

The disappearance of a woman took an unexpected turn in Michigan, because after hearing screams coming from a motel, the police went into action and found the victim, who had not been heard from for seven years. After being incommunicado for so long, she managed to make a call to her stepmother, who immediately contacted the authorities.

Since 2017 nothing had been heard from her, when the woman – whose identity has not been revealed – answered the phone. She said she was being held against her will.. When she disappeared she was 20 years old, police said.

After receiving the call from the stepmother, officers located the victim at the Evergreen Motel on Michigan Avenue, between Middlebelt and Inkster streets.

When you arrive at the place The agents heard cries and screamsso they broke into one of the rooms, where they found the missing woman.

At that time the victim was alone, drugs and a weapon were found in the room, she did not have any physical injuries, according to WXYZ media.

After the rescue, the woman was taken to the hospital, after which she was reunited with her family, and is currently receiving mental health help. While she reintegrates into her family and recovers emotionally, the investigations continue.

The lieutenant Michael Shaw of the Michigan State Police did not want to confirm that it was a case of human trafficking, since it is still being investigated if it was, but he pointed out that this is not what you see in the movies, that you go to a place, they kidnap you and You appear in another country.

Trafficking is generally based on a previously built relationship between the victim and the perpetrator that leads to the commission of the crime, and they seek to know if that is what happened or if it was a case of domestic violence.

For now there is a suspect under investigation, but no one is in custody. Meanwhile, the community is happy that the woman is safe.

“To find a woman after seven or six years or whatever, it’s amazing,” said Moe Jag, who owns Big Jag Auto Service, right across the street from the Evergreen Motel. The man added that he never saw or heard anything strange in the establishment.

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– Michelle Troconis, the woman who helped her boyfriend plan and cover up his wife’s crime in Connecticut, is found guilty.
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