Monday, September 30

Kimberly Dos Ramos opens her heart and remembers the tragic death of her boyfriend

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By Castle Pillar

01 Mar 2024, 1:24 PM EST

In the midst of the furor caused by “Vivir de Amor”, the melodrama in which he stars alongside Emmanuel Palomares, Kimberly Dos Ramos He has opened his heart and remembered one of the most painful stages of his life, which included saying goodbye to what he considers the love of his life.

It was during her visit to the morning program “Despierta América” that the Venezuelan actress spoke about the situation that forced her to forge her character: “I had a romantic partner that we lasted for many years and due to an accident he died,” she told the cameras.

Faced with the attentive gaze of the drivers and the public, Kimberly Dos Ramos assured that “You are not psychologically prepared for the loss of someone so important, but they are situations that God puts in your life to learn and move forward.”

Fortunately, the famous woman managed to rise from this difficult stage thanks to the support that her closest circle gave her at that time. She even pointed out that her life would not have followed the course it took if she had not gone through this bitter pill.

“I believe that the power we give to the mind is vital. All the mental power that I gave to my life at that moment in that situation helped me a lot; Obviously I had the support of my family, with the support of his family and, believe it or not, my best therapy was working on what I like, which is acting.”, indicated the protagonist of Univision’s newest melodrama.

“At the end of that difficult situation in my life, I moved to the United States and started a project, so having my mind busy doing what I like was, I think, very comforting for me, my best therapy and of course it made me get ahead” , he said about the beginnings of his career in Hispanic television.

On the sentimental side, not everything was rosy, because as a result of this great loss, Kimberly could not open her heart in the same way as before: “It leaves you like those after-effects of fear of falling in love. After that situation, years passed and of course I have fallen in love, I have had my partners, it’s just that I am very private, I don’t make it public. But it did cost me a little”, he said to end his speech.

Keep reading:

• Kimberly Dos Ramos stole everyone’s attention at the premiere of the melodrama “Vuelve a mi”
• This is the character of Kimberly Dos Ramos in ‘La Desalmada’, Univision’s stellar soap opera
• Kimberly Dos Ramos shows her secret weapon to show off her spectacular body