Monday, September 30

Ciudad Mier: From magical town to ghost town because of drug trafficking

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By The opinion

01 Mar 2024, 1:42 PM EST

Tamaulipas is one of the Mexican states most devastated by violence caused by drug trafficking, several of its cities are in the news regularly, but there is a place that, from being a magical town, became a ghost town due to the activity of organized crime.

Its fame as a magical town lasted three yearsin 2007 he received the appointment, but in 2010 the Gulf Cartel violently broke into the region and destroyed everything in its path, leaving behind the colorful streets full of people and hubbub.

Hotels, restaurants, cinemas, bars and large cattle ranches with hundreds of heads of cattle were part of the place, where Texas citizens even came to hunt wild animals, according to the newspaper Milenio.

The agony of the vibrant place is what remains now, almost all businesses closedonly two gas stations operate, while the four hotels that exist only operate on demand, to receive a visitor from time to time.

There has been no local police since 2010

Ciudad Mier is another example of drug violence, some of its facades reveal what happened there, as they look full of bullets and it was the constant confrontations that made entire families flee the place.

There no longer exists Municipal Police there since 2010, when armed men shot and threw explosive devices against the command. Fourteen years later the violence continuesthe narcoblockades continue, security is now in charge of the Mexican Army and the State Police.

Reporters from the newspaper Milenio They tried to enter the site, but were warned that “things were hot”since that day a trailer was crossed by criminals to block a road that leads to an international bridge that connects with Texas.

Days before, an ambush occurred near the area in which police managed to repel the attack and neutralize 12 members of the Gulf Cartel.

Despite the traces of violence, the authorities want to reposition the site as a magical town, organizing different activities and remodeling the streets. A maquiladora was also installed, thus seeking to return a little of what the site once was.

Keep reading:
– They locate 7 lifeless bodies in Lagos de Moreno, one of the most dangerous areas of Jalisco.
– 4 soldiers died and 9 were injured after an ambush with mines and drones in Michoacán.