Sunday, October 6

Actor Bill Skarsgard arrested for drug possession

Actor Bill Skarsgård, who played the clown Pennywise in the remake of the film ‘IT’, was arrested at Arlanda airport in StockholmSweden, for possession of marijuana.

Reports from the TMZ portal, the famous man was arrested in October 2023 for possession of illicit substances, but it was not until February 14 when he received his sentence after months of investigations. The news was released after it was revealed that the actor was sentenced and fined 40 thousand Swedish crowns.

According to the information given by the source in Sweden, Bill Skarsgård must pay 65,216 pesos for trying to bring marijuana into Sweden. Currently in Sweden, where Bill Skarsgård, the It actor, tried to bring marijuana, it has an anti-drug policy that has been implemented since 1988. So far Bill Skarsgård has not commented on the matter and is expected to soon pay Sweden his fine or Well, there could be more punishments for him.

The 33-year-old actor was robbed of 2.43 grams of cannabis while walking at the city’s airport, and pleaded guilty to it. It is ruled out that the Swede will go to prison because, in addition to taking responsibility for his actions, he presented the respective documentation to the courts of his city.

Bill Skarsgård pleaded guilty and took full responsibility for what happened. Although Sweden is a liberal country, cannabis use is punishable by law, which can include prison time. However, the actor was not given any prison sentence or probation.

Actor Bill Skarsgård will star in the film ‘Nosferatu’, to be released in 2024. He is not the first celebrity to face problems with the law, related to cannabis possession. The same has happened with figures of the stature of Woody Harrelson, Snoop Dogg, David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Macauley Culkin and Gigi Hadid, to name a few.

Bill Skarsgård, he is a member of a family that has historically been related to the world of cinema. His father is Stellan Skarsgård, who has participated in more than 140 productions, and his brothers Alexander, Gustaf and Valter, are also well-known faces on both the small and big screens, for their work in films and series.

Bill Skarsgård admitted his guilt and submitted the corresponding documentation to the court, taking full responsibility for his actions. The younger brother of Alexander and Gustaf Skarsgård has also ventured into Marvel adaptations and the “John Wick” franchise, among other projects.

Sweden and its fight against drugs

Sweden has criminalized drug use since 1988, and all those who personally use drugs are not exempt from being punished with prison sentences. Sweden has been combating the illegal drug trade. Gangs are reported to recruit children between the ages of 13 and 14 with the promise of money and designer clothing, which has contributed to the rise in youth crime.

In early 2023, crime rates in Sweden affected its reputation as a safe and calm country. Shootings and attacks with explosives perpetrated by criminal groups were recorded, impacting not only the main cities, but also more remote areas.

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