Monday, September 30

Pope Francis and Javier Milei meet for the first time in the Vatican

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By Deutsche Welle

11 Feb 2024, 09:48 AM EST

Pope Francis and the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, very critical of the pontiff in the past, They greeted each other this Sunday (02/11/2024) with a hug at the end of the canonization mass of the first Argentine saint, María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, popularly known as “Mama Antula”

Once the Eucharist was over in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Francis was taken in a wheelchair due to his knee problems to the place where the president had followed the mass.

Milei shook his hand and even gave him a hug.. They both talked laughing for a moment.

This mass provided the first meeting between the two after Milei during the electoral campaign described the pope as “the representative of evil on earth,” among other disqualifications. However, the Supreme Pontiff downplayed his words and in fact called him to congratulate him on his electoral victory.

The far-right politician has also significantly lowered his tone and this Saturday in an interview on Radio Miter he praised him as “the most important Argentine in history,” and said that he hoped to maintain a “very fruitful dialogue” with him.

Keep reading:

  • “More than a libertarian, Milei for now is like a boss who believes that everything must be changed suddenly”
  • Argentine justice temporarily suspends the labor reform proposed by Javier Milei
  • Javier Milei says that Argentina will experience a “biblical catastrophe”