Monday, October 7

International Olympic Committee approves that Russian athletes can participate in Paris 2024

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09 Dec 2023, 16:00 PM EST

The Executive Commission of the International Olympic Committee decided this Friday that those athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport Those who are part of the group of Neutral Individual Athletes (AIN) and who have qualified through the official systems of the international federations will be declared eligible to compete in the Paris 2024 Games.

The strict eligibility conditions based on the recommendations issued by the IOC on March 28, 2023 will be applied to these athletes. for international federations and organizers of international sporting events.

Like all other athletes at the Olympic Games, Neutral Individual Athletes will also have to comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the competition, including anti-doping.

They will have to sign the updated conditions of participation applicable to Paris 2024. In them they commit to respecting the Olympic Charter, including “the peace mission of the Olympic movement.”

How many Russian athletes will participate?

Only a very limited number of athletes will be classified through the existing classification systems of the international federations. Among the 4,600 athletes from around the world who have qualified for Paris 2024 to date, there are only eleven neutral athletes, eight with Russian passports and three with Belarusian passports.

In comparison, more than sixty Ukrainian athletes have qualified for Paris 2024 to date. and its delegation is expected to be about the same size as at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

In this way, athletes and support personnel who actively support the war will not be able to be registered or compete, the same as those hired by Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies.

Sanctions against those responsible for the war, Russian and Belarusian states and governments remain in force for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. This means that no flag, anthem, colors or any other identification of Russia or Belarus will be displayed at the Games at any official venue or at any official event.

The Olympic Truce Resolution A/RES/78/10 of the United Nations (UN) for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Gameswhich supports the autonomy of sport and the political neutrality of the IOC, enshrined in the Olympic Charter, was approved by an overwhelming majority of 118 Member States, with the only abstention of two countries (Russia and Syria) and no votes against.

Keep reading:

– Department of Justice charges four soldiers linked to Russia with war crimes after torturing an American

– Police carry out raids on LGBT bars in Moscow, organizations and media accuse

– Concern in France due to jihadist attack near the Eiffel Tower eight months before Paris 2024