Monday, September 30

Two US counties record cases of childhood pneumonia

Avatar of Ambar Román

By Amber Roman

01 Dec 2023, 11:42 AM EST

Health officials have reported a sharp rise in cases of a mysterious respiratory illness in parts of Massachusetts and Ohio, raising fears of an outbreak similar to the one affecting China and parts of Europe.

According to official reports, they are taking measures to understand and contain the spread of what has been called “White Lung Syndrome”.

In Warren County, located just 30 miles from Cincinnati, the statistics are alarming. Since August, 142 pediatric cases of this condition have been recorded, and health officials called the figure “extremely high.”

The county Health Department stated that this number not only exceeds the county’s historical average but also meets the definition of an outbreak established by the Ohio Department of Health.

Meanwhile, in western Massachusetts, doctors are watching a significant increase in cases of walking pneumonia, a milder form of the lung disease, caused by a combination of bacterial and viral infections. Although this is not a new pathogen, the combination of various seasonal bacterial and viral viruses is putting pressure on local hospitals.

Experts have raised concerns about the possibility that this outbreak, which has overwhelmed hospitals in China, could affect the United States in the winter season. However, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says “nothing is out of the ordinary” in its data.

Dr. Amesh Adalja of Johns Hopkins University warns against extrapolating data from one county to the entire country, noting the complexity of respiratory infections and geographic variability.

Ohio investigates cases of childhood pneumonia

In Ohio, an “ongoing investigation” is currently underway to determine the underlying cause of this surge in respiratory illnesses. County patients have tested positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, adenovirus and streptococcus, which further complicates the identification of the responsible agent.

Several theories have been proposed to explain the rise in cases, including the possibility that children’s immunity has been compromised due to lockdowns, mask-wearing and school closures during the pandemic, making them more vulnerable. to seasonal diseases.

Although most infections are mild, experts point out that patients recently recovered from previous respiratory infections are at increased risk. Dr. John Kelley of Redwood Pediatrics in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, stresses the importance of being alert during the holiday season and taking precautions such as washing your hands, covering your cough, and staying home when sick.

Globally, an increase in pneumonia cases has been observed, and some experts suggest it could be related to the “cyclical” nature of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Dr. Adalja warns that, although this outbreak may be less serious than last yearlockdowns have contributed to the increase in cases by allowing the number of susceptible people to increase over the years.

Amid uncertainty, health authorities in Massachusetts and Ohio are working hard to contain the spread of this mysterious respiratory illness and understand its impact as the winter season quickly approaches.

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