Monday, September 30

Armed commando murders police director in Zacatecas and one of his bodyguards

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By The opinion

01 Dec 2023, 11:08 AM EST

Zacatecas is a Mexican state that has plunged into violence, disputes between criminal groups have made various sectors of the population vulnerable, including elements of the armed forces, proof of what is experienced there is the murder of the director of the Fresnillo Municipal Police and one of his escorts.

It was during an ambush carried out by an armed commando on elements of the police corporation where the two elements lost their lives, according to the newspaper Milenio. The attack occurred on one of the most important roads in the city and It also left several police officers seriously injured.

Other fatal victims of this attack were a civilian who was passing through the street, as well as a police dog from the K9 Unit of the Fresnillo Municipal Police, which was traveling in the back of a patrol car, where his lifeless body was left lying.

Although the target of the attack was Antonio Soledad Pérezdirector of the corporation, several police officers were hit by bullets, resulting in them with serious injuries and fighting for their lives in a hospital.

Elements of the Municipal Police, who repelled the attack, helped their colleagues and took the director to a hospital, however, he died at the scene, as did another police officer who was receiving medical attention.

The facts were confirmed by the Secretary of the Government of Zacatecas Rodrigo Reyes, who said that the aggression occurred as a consequence of the “relentless efforts that our corporations are carrying out to pacify our state, an objective for which we will not stop striving.” .

Violence in Zacatecas

Zacatecas was the Mexican state that recorded the most police murders during 2022a year in which it closed with 60 members murdered, according to the Causa en Común association, which until November 23, 2023 had a record of 28 uniformed victims of homicide in the entity.

Regarding Fresnillo, the site Animal Político reported that, for three years, it has been classified as the most unsafe city in Mexicoaccording to the perception of its inhabitants, which is reflected in surveys carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

“This city was left in the middle of a conflict between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), which has caused an increase in violence,” the media pointed out, adding that the municipality closed 2022 with 247 intentional homicides.

Keep reading:
– Security camera captured the murder of a police commander in Mexico.
– The head of security in Nuevo León is murdered after assuming the position of its director, executed days before.