Thursday, September 19

Donald Trump is already seven points ahead of Joe Biden, Harvard survey reveals

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

Nov 21, 2023, 11:32 AM EST

The message issued by Donald Trump to citizens where he commits to improving the nation’s economy has had a very positive impact on his aspirations to be president again. Well, survey data reveal that he surpasses Joe Biden by up to seven points in a hypothetical duel between the two.

A poll conducted by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University in collaboration with Harris Poll shows that the 77-year-old New Yorker widened the lead he had over Joe Biden until last month.

The results indicate that Trump obtained 48% support among those surveyed, while Biden only achieved 41% support, with 11% of citizens undecided about who they will vote for in November of next year.

Regarding October, The survey data indicates that the candidate for the Republican candidacy He obtained two more points of advantage over the current president of the nation, since Trump previously registered 46% compared to 41% for the 81-year-old Democrat.

Other polls carried out also show that the increase in support for the possible candidacy of the former president is significant in some states previously considered key to defining the winner of the presidential elections.

Donald Trump’s campaign to become the Republican candidate has not stopped growing. (Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

A couple of weeks ago, another survey carried out by the newspaper The New York Times in collaboration with Siena College revealed that Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 4 points in Pennsylvania, 5 points in Arizona, 5 points in Michigan, 6 points in Georgia and 10 points in Nevada.

And at the population level, other surveys have detected that the policies implemented by Joe Biden to stop inflation, to reduce the insecurity that prevails in several states, as well as the financial support that is being given to Ukraine and Israel, and even the advanced age of the president, They translate into only 37% of American voters approving of his job performance.

To this it must be added that, In general terms, 59% of citizens disapprove of his management, This is according to a study conducted by Quinnipiac University based in Hamden, Connecticut.

However, in the White House they have taken on the task of dismissing the polls, as they assure that there is a long time left for the elections to take place.

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* Former White House doctor says Biden does not have the cognitive capacity to serve another term

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