Friday, September 20

Obama's advisor recommends that Joe Biden analyze whether he should continue in the fight for re-election

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By Evaristo Lara

07 Nov 2023, 10:27 AM EST

David Axelrod, senior advisor to former President Barak Obama, told Joe Biden that it is the last moment to analyze whether he considers continuing with his re-election campaign. or abandon it.

After knowing the results of a survey recently carried out where showed the current president of the nation trailing Donald Trump in five of six battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania, Axelrod mentioned during an interview with the news network cnn that it was necessary to decide whether it was prudent to continue his campaign.

“As I have said for a couple of years, The problem for him is not political, but actuarial. You can see that in this survey and there is a lot of concern about the issue of age, and that is something that I think needs to be reflected on. Just do a check and say, ‘Is this right? Is this the best way? I suspect he will say yes, but time here flies and this is probably the last moment for me to do that check, and it’s probably a good thing that I do”, he pointed.

David Axelrod knows what it’s like to fight against adverse results, but not with candidates whose age is over 80 years old. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The survey showed that Biden was ahead of Trump only in Wisconsin, a contrast with three years ago when he won the six key states to beat his Republican opponent.

In addition, The advisor said that, during the period in which he supported Obama in the White House, he faced numbers that were not encouraging for his re-election either.but with work later they managed to turn the situation around. However, he mentioned that there were very different conditions from the current ones.

“Obama had terrible poll numbers at this point in our campaign, but he was 50 years old, not 81, and we didn’t have Donald Trump on the other side. So those are two factors that must be taken into account,” he emphasized.

David Axelrod’s concerns about Joe Biden’s future also focus on the fact that, eIf for some reason he could not move forward in a second term, then Kamala Harris would have the mission of moving the country forward and a large sector of citizens does not like that either, Well, the Californian has issued several unfortunate statements where she exhibits her lack of ability to address certain issues.

Keep reading:

* Disapproval rate for Joe Biden’s administration reaches 56%, survey reveals

* Donald Trump leads Joe Biden with the support of the youth vote, survey reveals

* Poll reveals that Joe Biden has lost much of the support of African Americans, Latinos and Asians