Friday, October 11

Former President Calderón revealed that during his mandate there were municipal governments linked to drug trafficking

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By The opinion

03 Nov 2023, 2:31 PM EDT

The former president of Mexico Felipe Calderon He was one of the most controversial leaders due to what happened during his administration. He recently gave a statement that once again put his finger on the sore point about the government’s collusion with organized crime, as he revealed that he was aware of the links that existed during his six-year term.

It was during his participation in the Regional Meeting of the Center for Analysis for Public Policies (CAPP), where he recounted an episode that he experienced during his term with a mayor, and although he did not specify where, the weekly Proceso points out that it was in the state of Michoacán for the data he provided later, since he mentioned The Knights Templara criminal group that was born in said entity.

Calderón pointed out that during a visit to the state people approached him to tell him that the police chief was colluding with the Knights Templar, when he was with the mayor he asked him about the complaints and the mayor not only did not deny it, but among Laughter replied: “’Wow president!.. The director of the police, the director of markets, the director of wines and liquors, the director of construction… I have 12 police officers with 38 pistols, they arrive in three Suburbans, armed to the teeth, and well they tell me: ‘you’re going to put this one… you’re going to give me 15%.’”

He went on to say that criminals take over the State, capture it, and described this as the true threat, beyond drugs, or at least comparable to them.

Drug trafficking in Calderón’s six-year term

It should be remembered that it was in the state of Michoacán where the call began war against drugswhich left a lot of blood throughout Mexico and generated speculation.

In the middle of that war that left thousands of families broken, the Sinaloa Cartelit was said that she was behind all this, the Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández was the first to point out the then Secretary of Security Genaro García Luna of having links with said criminal group.

At the beginning of 2023, in the trial against the former official, it was clear that what the journalist pointed out was real, many of the achievements of the now accused collapsed due to his links with drug trafficking, in this sense Hernández asserted that it was impossible for Calderón He was not aware of what was happening with his trusted man.

Keep reading:
– Mexican politician reminds Felipe Calderón that he warned him about García Luna when he was president.
– Retired general of the Mexican Army assures that Felipe Calderón did make an agreement with drug traffickers.