Wednesday, October 9

Why shouldn't you sweep at night? Learn 10 superstitions about brooms

Brooms are an everyday item in most homes and are used to sweep up dust and debris.

However, these humble cleaning tools have a rich history and have spiritual meanings deep-rooted ones that extend far beyond your mundane cleaning tasks.

In several cultures, brooms are believed to They have the power to sweep away negative energiesattract happiness and even protect yourself from unwanted visitors.

Are you intrigued? Continue reading to discover 10 fascinating curiosities about the energy flow of brooms.

1. Do not sweep at night

In many traditions, it is considered inauspicious to use a broom in the house after 6:00 pm. Cleaning late at night is believed to disrupt the harmonious flow of energy within your home.

2. Move to a new house

When you move to a new house or apartment, it is advisable to leave the brooms and cleaning products from your old residence behind. Carrying these old items with you could attract negative energies to your new home.

3. Sweep away negativity

To cleanse your living space of bad energy, create a broom out of guinea branches, secure them with tape and sweep the walls from top to bottom, then sweep the floors from the inside out.

4. Attracts happiness

To invite abundant happiness into your life, perform the ritual of sweeping your house from the outside in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As you do this, recite: “May the good improve and stay within my house.”

5. Eliminate unwanted energies

According to WeMystic, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, sweep your house from the inside out, while saying: “I will take everything bad out to the street.”

Leaving a little dust in a corner can help ward off unwanted people, and sprinkling a little of this powder on a person’s back can prompt their quick departure.

6. Scares away unwanted visitors

To deter unwanted visitors, hang a broom upside down behind the front door. This symbolizes that your home is off-limits to uninvited guests.

7. Avoid getting in the way

Never leave a broom behind your door as it is believed to disrupt the flow of energies and create obstacles in your life.

8. Broom under the bed

If you suffer from night terrors or nightmares, placing a broom under your bed, ideally at the level of the person experiencing the difficulties, can give you more peace and quiet during sleep.

9. Throw away brooms on New Year’s

On New Year’s Eve, it is customary to throw away or remove the old broom, symbolizing the beginning of a new year. Start the year with a new broom to sweep away the old and welcome new opportunities.

10. Don’t give your broom to anyone

It is believed that when someone uses your broom, they leave their bad energy or “dirt” impregnated on it and we leave it muddy on the floors of our home when we sweep it.

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