Friday, September 20

The governor of Arizona lashed out at Biden for “breaking the border”

El gobernador de Arizona arremetió contra Biden por “romper la frontera”

A migrant girl waits with her mother for a bus near the Gateway International Bridge in Texas.

Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP / Getty Images

For: EFE

TUCSON, Arizona – Arizona Governor Doug Ducey lashed out Friday at President Joe Biden, accusing him of “breaking” the southern border by fueling a new wave of migrant families and unaccompanied children who are reaching the dividing line.

“The Biden Administration must change the perception that our border is open as soon as possible and prevent so many people from doing this danger traveled and send your children ”, said Ducey, who made a tour of the border in the community of Douglas, Arizona.

The Republican governor joined the criticism of others assuring that by eliminating the immigration policies of the past Administration of now former President Donald Trump, Biden is responsible for the increase in the flow of undocumented migrants registered in states such as Texas and Arizona.

In his opinion, if measures are not taken soon, the migratory flow will continue to grow.

“The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has called Biden ‘the migrant president’. What they are doing is completely inappropriate, “he said.

He also asserted that the president is” divorced from reality “of what is happening at the border.

“I have been governor under three administrations and this is the worst situation we have faced on the border,” he said.

According to figures from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), federal authorities have in their custody approximately 14, 000 unaccompanied minors, which aggravates the general situation due to the arrest of more than 80, 000 migrants along the border only in February.

In this same period in Arizona, the Border Patrol in the Yuma and Tucson sectors arrested 1, 750 minors not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, which represents an increase of 62%.

Meanwhile, 2 were arrested, 710 people who formed family nuclei, which represents an increase of 186% only on the Arizona border.

The governor did a helicopter flight over the area and met with ranchers and sheriffs from border communities.

“The citizens of the United States must be furious to see what Biden has done. This is a crisis created by one man and that is Joe Biden ”, assured Senator Rick Scott, Republican from Florida, who accompanied Ducey on his tour.

The senator, who is on the Homeland Security Committee, stated that Biden’s actions are “making it very difficult” for any type of immigration reform to be approved.

Critics like Scott consider that when Eliminate the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP) program, which forced migrants to wait in Mexico for their asylum process, Biden caused more and more migrants to cross the border irregularly.

Both Ducey and Scott criticized Biden’s decision to stop the construction of the border wall, which has left gaps that are being used by migrants.

The ruler dor agreed with other critics that this is a national security and public health issue due to the covid pandemic – 19.

For his part, Scott said more Border Patrol agents are needed and construction to finish of the border wall to face the migratory flow.

Both were extremely upset when questioned about accusations that Republican politicians are only using the immigration issue as “an excuse “And to” take a picture “at the border.

He also declined to answer whether they had invited the Democratic senators from Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly, to will participate in this tour. “They can come anytime they want to the border,” Ducey stated.

Another who also harshly criticized the Biden Administration was Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels, who said the crisis at the border is directly impacting the lives of communities.

Dannels, who represents the Arizona Marshals Coalition, called the situation arising from the thousands of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the border a humanitarian crisis. border, and argued that the policies adopted by this Administration are encouraging this migration to the United States.

Given the increase in the crossing of families and unaccompanied minors, The Federal Government will establish two temporary tent shelters in Yuma and Tucson, which are expected to be operational as of mid-April.

By María León