Friday, September 20

The Senate confirmed the Latina Anna Gómez in the Federal Communications Commission

The Hispanic Anna Gómez was confirmed by the Senate to integrate the Federal Communications Commission.
The Hispanic Anna Gómez was confirmed by the Senate to integrate the Federal Communications Commission.

Photo: United States Department of Commerce / Courtesy

Maria Ortiz

The Senate voted Thursday to confirm Democrat Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission, breaking the deadlock in the agency that has lasted throughout Biden’s presidency. The vote in favor was 55-43.

Anna Gomez, born in Orlando, Florida and raised in Colombia, is the first Latina commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in more than two decades. It is the first time since the election of President Joe Biden that all five seats on that commission have been filled.

gomez She has been an advocate for closing the internet access gap for minority communities like Latinas.

“Gomez is an exceptional nominee with considerable experience in telecommunications and broad support from groups on both sides of the aisle…she will be the first Latina on the Commission in more than 20 years. Another broken glass ceiling. And these are very important to get a full and diverse view of major government agencies like the Federal Reserve and the FCC,” Senator Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, said in a statement.

The Senate confirmed Anna Gomez as a Commissioner of the @FCC

She’s the first Latina on the @FCC in 20+ years

She fills the 5th and final spot on the Commission—so they can do the crucial work of expanding access to high speed internet, protecting consumers from junk fees, more

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 7, 2023

“The confirmation fills the fifth and final (vacant) seat at the FCC, so they can do the crucial job of expanding high-speed Internet access, and protecting consumers,” Schumer added.

Senator Schumer supported the nomination and confirmation in the Senate of two prominent Latinas in high government positions: Anna Gómez for the Federal Communications Commission and Adriana Kugler for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

The confirmation ultimately gives the FCC a majority of three Democratic and two Republican commissioners.

In an era in which the evolution of the digital world has a significant influence on our lives, Gomez’s confirmation is “a historic step towards an inclusive and equitable digital future”, said Brenda Victoria Castillo, president of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

Who is Anna Gomez?

Anna Gómez is an expert in communications policies, who recently joined the State Department’s Office of Cyberspace and Digital Policy and was deputy director of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration from 2009 to 2013.

Over 12 years, Gomez held various positions at the FCC including Deputy Chief at the International Bureau and as Senior Legal Counsel to former FCC Director William Kennard (1997-2001).

She was also a partner at the prestigious Wiley law firm in Washington DC from 2009 to 2013, in addition to having been a deputy administrator at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

For the New York State Broadcasters Association, Gomez’s confirmation would allow the Commission to move forward with its political agenda, in addition to standing out for being the first Latina since 2001 to occupy the position.

The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce praised the confirmation in a statement, noting that “(Gomez’s) experience and dedication will be a great contribution to the FCC.”

The Latino Victory organization said it was “proud to congratulate Gómez on his confirmation,” and stated that “his dedication and extensive experience will contribute to a more connected and inclusive future for our country.”

Keep reading:

– Senator Schumer endorses Latinas for the Federal Reserve and the Communications Commission
– The Senate advances with approval of Adriana Kugler as the first Hispanic on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
– The Senate confirms Rosie Hidalgo as the first Latina director of the Office on Violence Against Women