Friday, September 20

The United States exceeded 540,000 deaths from COVID-19

California continues to be the state with the most confirmed cases and most deaths from COVID- 19 accumulated

Estados Unidos sobrepasó los 540,000 muertos por COVID-19
California has administered more than 7 million dose of the vaccine.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

For: EFE

WASHIGTON – The United States reached this Friday 29, 726, 580 confirmed cases of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and 540, 970 deceased from COVID disease – 19 , according to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University.

This balance at 8 o’clock: 000 pm local time (00. 02 Saturday GMT) is 1, 611 deaths that occurred on Friday and of 57, 381 new reported infections of COVID – 19 .

We all have a role to play in ending the pandemic. In the past year, there have been over 29 million cases & 530, 00 0 deaths from # COVID 19 . But there is reason to hope: More than 1 in 5 Americans have received at least 1 dose of vaccine. Read more: . OeDq 72

– CDC ( @CDCgov) March 18, 2021

California is the hardest hit state in terms of deaths from COVID – 19 with 49, 251 dead, followed by New York (49, 335), Texas (47, 198), Florida (29, 651), Pennsylvania (23, 758), New Jersey (24, 103) and Illinois (19, 304).

Other states with a large death toll are Georgia (16, 464), Ohio (18, 339), Michigan (16, 857), Massachusetts (16, 803) and Arizona (16, 691).

Regarding accumulated infections, California adds 3 , 611, 637, followed by Texas with 2, 749, 486, third is Florida with 1, 1200, 251, New York is fourth with 1, 772, 367 and Illinois is fifth with 1, 218, 387.

President Joe Biden has predicted that more than 29, 00 0 people in the country due to the coronavirus.

For its part, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME) of the University of Washington, in whose prediction models of the evolution of the pandemic is often fixed by the White House, c calculated that for July 1 will have died some 580, 00 0 people.

Regarding vaccines , some 77. 2 million people (a 23. 3% of the population) have received at least one dose, and of these, 41. 9 million (12. 6%) are already fully inoculated.