Monday, September 30

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Consume Artificial Sweeteners, According To A Pharmacist

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Consume Artificial Sweeteners, According To A Pharmacist

Photo: fizkes / Shutterstock

Amber Roman

Artificial sweeteners seem to be the ideal solution to give up sugar because they fulfill their function of sweetening food or drinks. However, they can do more harm than good, a recent finding from the World Health Organization (WHO).

That research suggests that this alternative is not the best since many of the ones used in many popular foods and drinks could cause cancer.

For this reason, the pharmacist Sam Megalli told the New York Post the potential dangers you need to watch out for in choosing a healthy sugar substitute. Some of the risks you run when consuming artificial sweeteners have to do with the alteration of processes in the body, including metabolic, digestive and can even affect your mental health.

Affect the regulation of blood sugar and insulin

One of the most concerning aspects of artificial sweeteners is that they can trigger an insulin response, much like sugar does. Doctor Megalli indicated that the same can confuse the body affecting sugar control in the blood contributing to problems such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Consuming more calories because of a craving for sweetness

Sweeteners can promote increased calorie intake as it conditions the taste buds for its intense sweetness. Because of this, you could end up compensating by eating larger portions or reaching for more sugary foods than you did before.

This vicious cycle can hinder your efforts to eat healthier. The pharmacist recommends replacing diet sodas with other options like water. It is a complicated process to go from one day to the next to replace this type of drinks since it creates a kind of addiction in the organism. However, you can start by swapping it out for sparkling water that comes in flavors.

Weight gain

Some studies indicate that the use of artificial sweeteners may cause weight gain over time. The altered perception of sweetness increases cravings for sugary foods, which will make you lose efforts to try to achieve a healthier weight.

Negative effects on the microbiome

The intestinal microbiome plays a vital role in general health, the balance of microorganisms in the digestive tract is very delicate and can be easily upset.

Dr. Megalli recommends resorting to sweet natural foods such as fruits and sweeteners of the same style, including honey and maple syrup. These options will give you the sweetness you need while you benefit from the nutrients and fiber they contain.

reward system

The brain is programmed to perceive sweetness as a reward, Due to the intense flavor of sweeteners, they can desensitize this mechanism. Thus, the body can feel less satisfaction with less sweet foods, overeat and prefer options with more sugar.

As previously described, the recommendation is to have a balanced approach to your diet. Focus on real, whole foods and follow your doctor’s recommendations for a diet that will be with you on the path to overall wellness in your life.

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