Sunday, September 29

AMLO says that Mexico is “nobody's piñata” after criticism from Republican Party presidential hopefuls

Cesar Reyes

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that Mexico is not “anyone’s piñata” after the criticisms about immigration and drug trafficking made by the candidates of the Republican party for the presidency of the United States during their first debate.

“The other day I was watching a debate of the pre-candidates and they talked about fentanyl, drugs and Mexico. Here we are going to be pending, every time there is an unfounded questioning of our country there will be an answer because we are not anyone’s piñata”, he warned.

The head of the Mexican executive referred to the speeches made by the members of the Republican Party in the first debate last week for the presidential candidacy, without the presence of Donald Trump, and where Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, said that in If he were president, he would send special forces from the United States to Mexico from “day one” to fight the cartels.

“(They want) to go looking for drug traffickers violating our sovereigntya, something that we are never going to allow, but it makes them very comfortable, but it is very immoral, to say: the problem is in Mexico”, he commented.

López Obrador also accused US politicians of not addressing the root causes of drug use or supporting young people to avoid addiction.

“Priorities must be changed, policies must be changed to attend to the causes and not be with the hackneyed speech of alwaysfrom Mexican drug traffickers and that the US Army must be used to almost invade Mexico,” he commented.

The Mexican president reiterated that he will continue to denounce in his morning conference US politicians who continue with their “anti-Mexican” and “anti-immigrant” proposals so that the more than 40 million Mexicans in the United States stop voting for them.

With information from Efe.

Keep reading:
• AMLO will meet with Joe Biden in November to discuss development and migration
• AMLO accuses DeSantis of being “more anti-immigrant” than Trump and assures that he continues to sink in the polls
• AMLO says that it would be “outrageous” and “extermination” if Greg Abbott ordered migrant children to be pushed into the Rio Grande