Sunday, September 29

While Alicia Machado announces a break with Christian Estrada, Roberto Romano delights his fans from the beach

Pillar of the Castle

With a flirtatious look and from a dream tourist destination, Roberto Romano delighted the pupil of the public and caused a stir on social networks just a few hours after his ex-partner, Alice Machadoconfirm their separation from Christian Estrada. Will this be a hint? Here we tell you everything that is known about her escape.

From his official Instagram account, the former “La Casa de los Famosos” contestant took a look at his recent adventure in San José del Cabo, a place known for its movie-worthy landscapes and water activities.

“I needed a little getaway”, wrote the famous to accompany the postcard that lets him see enjoying the sun, the beach and sand during what remains of the summer; by the way giving away taco de ojo to his red bone fans.

This is how the former hockey player earned dozens of compliments from his digital community, who did not miss the opportunity to talk about his physique: “Deserved rest that you enjoy it a lot”, “At your feet always”, “That Life always finds you smiling” and “The perfect man does exist”, are some of the reactions that can be read under the publication.

It should be noted that While Roberto Romano takes time to escape from routine, his ex-partner Alicia Machado dropped a bomb about his love life that made it the topic of conversation. We talked about the end of her romance with Christian Estrada.

The beauty queen published an unexpected image from her Instagram account in which she revealed her current sentimental situation:

“I am floating on the disappointment of a love, but so strengthened to let myself be caught by what I deserve! Without many explanations, I release what does not vibrate or is in tune with my values ​​as a person and I reconsider the opportunity to fall in love again, but even stronger and with the necessary maturity to continue valuing myself as a woman and evolving! I continue my path free and more empowered than ever! End of this story, simple as that! Today the sentimental relationship that I shared with you with a lot of love and fully trusting ended ”, shared the former Miss Universe from her official profile.

Keep reading:

• Alicia Machado announces that she has ended her romance with Christian Estrada
• Alicia Machado and Roberto Romano hint at each other after their breakup
• Alicia Machado and Roberto Romano show off their romantic day at the beach a few days after leaving La Casa de los Famosos