Monday, September 30

Luis Fonsi speaks for the first time about his divorce from Adamari López: “They would not believe me”

Genesis Bastidas

After more than a decade without talking about the subject, the singer Luis Fonsi broke the silence and gave his version of what led him to want to divorce the television presenter Adamari Lópezto whom he was married from 2006 to 2010.

At that time the separation was in a media wave, especially after the publication of the book ‘Living’ of Adamari, in which She accused him of allegedly being unfaithful and of having told her that he was not attracted to her after the mastectomy she had for breast cancer.

Thirteen years later, the story of both has been talked about due to the song ‘Turn the Page ‘Panama’, that the singer-songwriter premiered and that many have commented that it would be a hint for the television host and actress.

Why was he silent for many years?

The interpreter of ‘Despacito’ He was this week as a guest on the ‘MoluscoTV’ podcast where he dared to talk about what happened in that relationship and explained his reason for keeping silent for so long.

“I haven’t spoken anything, I’ve been quiet for 14 years and the reason why I kept quiet is because I could say anything and however people want, they weren’t going to listen to me or they weren’t going to believe me or I was going to be like ‘El Bad'”Fonsi confessed.

He pointed out that he did not speak at that time either because he was not interested in having a role of “victim” on that story.

“I said: ‘Look, you know what, I’d rather keep my mouth shut, as the song says, not play the victim’, that’s why I’m uncomfortable talking about this because I haven’t done it, because it’s over and because I’ve turned the page and because I’m the happiest man in the world”, he pointed.

During the interview, the singer recalled that he tried to defend himself against the accusations made to him at that time through a statement in which he expressed that he was not happy with the relationship and that is why he was separating.

“Yes, I put out a statement at that moment when they attacked me and I stated the facts, I said: ‘Look, this is what happened. I got married and four years later I made the decision to separate, to divorce, because I wasn’t happy. Men and women deserve to be happy. If there is something that is not working, you have to raise your hand and say ‘hey, I also want to be happy’”, said Luis Fonsi.

Likewise, he specified that he will not speak ill of Adamari López at any time and made it clear what he remembers about the relationship. “And whose fault was it? I am never going to get here to give details, to take out dirty laundry. I will never say a negative word about her, I never have and I will not. I have decided to keep the beautiful moments”he expressed.

He abandoned Adamari?

In the middle of the conversation with ‘MoluscoTV’, the interpreter of ‘Llegaste Tú’ assured that there was never “abandonment” of the presenter on his part.

“When I hear the word ‘abandon’. It is a word that does not go as part of the real story, it goes as part of a narrative that was created. Cool for a novel, but here there was never ever abandonment “said the artist.

Keep reading:
– This is how Luis Fonsi responded to the criticism of his new song for allegedly indirectly to Adamari López
– Tunden Luis Fonsi in networks for alleged indirection to his ex Adamari López
– Luis Fonsi showed off his skills as a photographer with a hot session for his wife, in a bikini!