Sunday, September 22

“You have come to put on your knee pads”: A former employee of Luis Rubiales accuses him of humiliation, threats and “words that nobody deserves”

Jorge Hernandez

Tamara Ramos, who was marketing director of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE) when Luis Rubiales was president of the union (2010 to 2018)gave an interview to Telecinco where recounted the mistreatment he suffered on behalf of the now head honcho of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), which included threats and humiliation with words and phrases “that nobody deserves”, so he is not surprised that he stole a kiss from Jennifer Hermoso at the Women’s World Cup medal ceremony.

“I suffered humiliation, blows (punched on the table), words that I cannot repeat… It was outrageous and it lasted a long time“, Ramos explained about the interaction he had with Rubiales which, although he did not confirm it, could have been between 2016, the year the association was born, and 2018, when the president left the union.

When the journalist who was interviewing her questioned heri these humiliations were public, in front of players like Iker Casillas and Gerard Piqué, she replied in the affirmative.

“In front of everyone, with the sarcasm he has of laughing, he told me ‘come on, go, you’ve come to put on your knee pads. They are words that nobody deservesI was a professional that what I was doing was working,” she said.

As if that were not enough, he also said that Rubiales asked him intimate questions and completely out of context such as: “What color underwear are you wearing?”.

Tamara Ramos worked in the AFE with Rubiales and was the first woman to denounce him: “I suffered beatings and humiliation. He humiliated me in front of Piqué, Casillas or Busquets and said to me ‘What color are you wearing your underwear today?’ You have come here to put on knee pads.”

— Fonsi Loaiza (@FonsiLoaiza) August 23, 2023

With this background, Tamara assured that she was not in the least surprised by Rubiales’ behavior in the final of the Women’s World Cup Australia-New Zealand 2023where from the box he held his genitals as a sign of victory when the referee whistled the end of the match and, later, forced a kiss on the mouth with Jennifer Hermoso, forward of the Red Fury, at the medal ceremony.

“The face that it is, is the one that has given. I’m not surprised at all”, she said, and asserted that this makes her gain credibility with everything she denounced at the time against the president: “I think that now it is easier for them to believe me, now they have seen what it is. She has a very good speech, she always has a lot of demagoguery and it is very difficult that as a woman they would have believed me ”.

Tamara recalled that, back then, when she was bullied, He sued Rubiales, because he asked for the termination of the contract, but he did not grant it and he only received threats in return.

“When I sued him, he was with two babies, he was three months old, I had a terrible time, it was hard for me to do it. I asked him for a contract termination, he didn’t want to, he told me that if he left they wouldn’t even give me unemployment… and then I had to sue him, ”he explained.

Finally, the woman reported that the matter did not go to trial, because he reached an agreement that he considered fair for both parties.

Keep reading:
· Luis Rubiales steals a kiss on the mouth from Jennifer Hermoso and she reacts: “I didn’t like it, but what do I do?
· Luis Rubiales apologizes for stealing a kiss from Jennifer Hermoso and argues that he acted without bad faith
· President of the Government of Spain considers Luis Rubiales’ apology for kissing Jennifer Hermoso “insufficient”