Monday, September 23

Mayor Karen Bass criticizes Texas governor for sending migrants during storm watch

Highways in California were affected by storm Hilary.
Highways in California were affected by storm Hilary.

Photo: DAVID SWANSON/AFP/Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott for sending a bus with migrants while Southern California was on watch for Tropical Storm Hilary.

On social media, Bass called it a despicable act beyond politics to send adults and children on the bus when Los Angeles authorities asked its residents to stay home and prepare for Hilary’s arrival..

While we warned Angelenos to stay safe and brace themselves for the storm, the Governor of Texas sent a bus of families and toddlers straight to Los Angeles.

This is a despicable act beyond politics — it’s evil.

— Mayor Karen Bass (@MayorOfLA) August 22, 2023

The bus left the Texas border city of Brownsville on Sunday, when Los Angeles was on alert for the meteorological phenomenon and officials urged its residents not to risk leaving their homes.

Transportation with migrants, the ninth of its kind, arrived at Union Station at approximately 6:45 p.m. Monday.

Since June 14, 2023, the Texas government has sent migrants to the city of Los Angeles.

“It is wrong to endanger the lives of vulnerable migrants by sending a bus with families and young children on board to a city that was under an unprecedented tropical storm warning at the time,” Bass said in a statement.

“While standing with state and local leaders warning Angelenos to stay safe and prepare for the worst of the coming storm, the Governor of Texas sent their families and young children directly toward us on a path to through extreme weather conditions,” added the mayoress.

Bass considered that if anyone should understand the danger posed by hurricanes and storms, it should be the governor of Texas, having to deal with that threat every year.

“This is a despicable act that goes beyond politics. It’s evil,” Bass said.

The bus that arrived in Los Angeles on Monday carried 37 asylum seekers, including 16 children.according to the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights.

PRZEMYSL, POLAND - FEBRUARY 17: A Ukrainian boy who fled the war and found shelter in a former supermarket converted for a refugee center plays on his smartphone inside a bus to take him and others to an evacuation train to Hannover on February 17, 2023 in Przemysl, Poland.  Since Russia's large scale military attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022 more than 9.7 million refugees from Ukraine crossed the Polish borders to escape the conflict, with 1.4 million registering in Poland while others moved on to other countries.  (Photo by Omar Marques/Getty Images)
There were 16 children on the bus. Photo: Omar Marques/AFP/Getty Images

Migrants who made their arrival in California They are native to Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Ecuador..

According to the LA Welcomes Collective, a coalition of nonprofit organizations, nearly all migrants have family, loved ones, or sponsors in California.

Asylum seekers received urgent services from humanitarian support, such as food, clothing, hygiene kits, medical checks and specific legal guidance on immigration.

The Texas governor made the decision to send migrant buses from Brownsville to Los Angeles arguing that Texas is “overwhelmed” with immigrants crossing the border into Mexico.

Keep reading:
· A 3-year-old boy died on a bus carrying immigrants from Texas to Chicago
· They seek that California offer support with cash to immigrants of the third age
Texas has separated more than 20 immigrant families seeking asylum