Sunday, October 27

Why does your vehicle battery discharge?

Ronald Ortega

The battery appears as a fundamental element for the proper functioning of the car in every way. Really, when everything is said, it is everything from operating the radio, air conditioning or windshield to starting the engine.

However, this piece becomes a real problem when it wears out or “dies”. Various reasons cause the battery to fail. Despite the fact that technology is quite advanced today, certain factors lead to the part not working correctly until it “dies”.

These factors can range from weather conditions, leaving headlights on, or internal issues. For this reason, we will show you below the most common problems that lead to “battery loss”.

Dead battery: reasons for the problem

One of the most likely causes of a dead battery is your age, that is, if it is a long-lived part, it can fail at any time. In general, the average life of the piece varies between 3 and 5 years.

Corrosion also does its thing in this regard as a consequence of the constant use of it, since the contact of the metal terminals of the battery oxidize over time, generating this phenomenon. After a certain period of time, the connection between the battery and the electrical system will weaken, causing it not to provide adequate energy, significantly depleting its life expectancy.

Present problems with the alternator it could also be the cause of the “death” of the battery. This element is responsible for correctly charging the battery after use, therefore, if the part is not replenished correctly, it will stop working, and therefore will shorten its period of existence radically.

As well mentioned above, another reason may be extreme weather conditions. It should be noted that the batteries have been made to operate in optimal temperature ranges. In a scenario of extreme cold, it will not be able to pass through the system easily, while in cases of great heat it will wear out faster than normal.

leave the lights on they consume a lot of energy. When left for long periods, the battery will die after some time, so keep an eye on this section as it turns out to be one of the most common reasons for the problem in question.

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