Friday, September 20

How to heal from a breakup using the power of your energy

Love stories don’t always have happy endings. People can break their hearts more than once and each person has a different way of processing it . There will be those who take refuge in bed, others watch romantic movies with ice cream and sweets, while some make wine their best friend.

Whatever, heal After a love breakup it is not so simple , however, the power to overcome it is found in ourselves. According to the clairvoyant and psychic Courtney Taylor, ritual therapies, such as quartz and spirit guides, could transmute the negative energy of a broken heart to one full of positivism.

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These rituals help balance your energy and will prevent you from spending months reflecting on romantic disappointment. It will give you what you need to heal peacefully and take the next step. Taylor gave 5 tips for using healing energy in a love breakup.

1. Ritual to close the door to your ex

This ritual consists of imagining that you close the door in the face of your ex. The expert explained that people can feel our energy, so it is necessary to “cut” this link. So every time you think of your ex, close your eyes and imagine slamming the door in his face.

2. Put your emotions into a letter

Changes occur when you acknowledge your feelings and release them, in this sense, Taylor’s suggestion is to write a letter to your ex that never you will send. You must put everything you would like to say to him if you had him in front of you right now and whenever it hurts to think about him or her, read the letter.

3. Use protective quartz

It is a very simple energy therapy that consists of acquiring crystals with soft and light vibrations. Embrace crystals like amethyst, moonstone or rose quartz to balance your energy levels.

4. Acquire a Carnelian

Carnelian is a stone that promotes courage and motivation, so it will give you the energy boost to heal and become invincible, according to Taylor.

5. Have faith in your healing energy

Finally, the expert calls to trust that the energy of the universe supports you. It is normal to be afraid, but you must always put yourself first to change.

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