Friday, September 20

Donald Trump criticized the result of the cocaine investigation in the White House

Donald Trump is convinced that there are too many resources to fall back on to discover the owner of the cocaine brought into the White House.
Donald Trump is convinced that there are too many resources to fall back on to discover the owner of the cocaine brought into the White House.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

After learning that the Secret Service ended its investigation into cocaine discovered in the White House without finding the person responsible for entering it, Donald Trump lashed out at the lack of ability to resolve the question.

During a briefing with legislators, The Secret Service said the investigation into the cocaine found at the White House on July 2 will officially end this Friday after authorities failed to identify a suspect.

About, The New York billionaire wrote a couple of messages on the Truth Social platform, where he questions the version of the authorities.

“Despite all the cameras pointing directly at the ‘crime scene’ and the best forensics in the world, they just can’t figure it out? They know the answer, and so does everyone else!” she wrote.

In addition, The former president criticized the fact that these same investigation experts are part of the group dedicated to finding elements to prosecute him for allegedly exposing national security by removing certain documents from the White House to take them to his residence in Mar-a-Lago.

“In the meantime, they continue to target and investigate me, for years, in what has been called the greatest witch hunt of all time,” he stressed.

At the time, Donald Trump left open the possibility that the drugs in the White House belonged to a high-ranking official. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

In a similar approach to the one adopted by the Republican politician, a couple of his former collaborators attacked the work carried out by the Secret Service.

Chad Gilmartin, former principal deputy press secretary and special assistant to Trump, pointed out that at the time there was the ability to discover those who contracted COVID during a 2020 White House outbreak, something that seemed more difficult to trace..

“When you get sick versus when you forget cocaine,” he said in a message posted on Twitter, which he accompanied by a graphic from the New York Times newspaper, showing those who tested positive for coronavirus after attending a meeting held at the White House Rose Garden.

The highlight of this is that he also added to a screenshot of a Fox News headline alluding to the closure of the cocaine investigation by the Secret Service, which is evidently intended to show an alleged lack of interest in revealing the identity who brought drugs into the presidential compound.

The controversial point is that the investigative work on COVID mentioned by Gilmartin was not carried out by the Secret Service.

For his part, Harrison Fields, another former employee of the previous administration, posted a message holding some degree of responsibility to the media for failing to do their job to try to get to the bottom of the drug case.

“The press tracked who had colds more aggressively during the Trump administration than who had been snorting COCAINE in the WEST WING of the Biden administration,” he said.

Keep reading:

  • Secret Service investigation concludes with no clues about who brought cocaine into the White House
  • Donald Trump points out that the cocaine found in the White House could be for consumption by the Bidens