Monday, September 23

In Argentina, a futsal player is suspended 10 years for criminal assault on a rival in the middle of a match

Futsal goal and ball.
Futsal goal and ball.

Photo: Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images

Arnaldo Fernandez

The Futsal Federation of Mendoza, Argentina, decided to suspend a player for 10 yearsthis after a brutal elbow given to a rival in the middle of the championship game, an unprecedented decision that seeks to prioritize the safety of the athlete attacked.

The sanctioned man is named José Loscocco and attacked Mariano Jaurrieta with a brutal and dangerous elbowwho according to the Argentine media lasted unconscious for almost five minutes, which is why his life was in danger.

“He was unconscious for five minutes, then he began to feel better. If there had not been doctors in the place, anything could have happened because he lost a lot of blood,” a local authority told Infobae exclusively.

“The doctors stopped the bleeding. The ambulance took 40 minutes to arrive. added the same source.


José Loscocco was suspended for 10 years by the Indoor Soccer Federation due to this nudge against Mariano Jaurrieta in Godoy Cruz-Municipality of San Martín. The player was already punished in 2021, 2022 and also this year.# DeportesUno #650AM

– Sports One (@DeportesUno650) July 12, 2023

unprecedented penalty

The incident occurred during a match between Godoy Cruz and San Martín Municipality, which the locals won by a score of 4-2. It should be noted that the assaulted belongs to Godoy Cruz.

After the nudge, Mariano Jaurrieta was hospitalized and required five stitches because he had a 10-centimeter cut on his head.

“The referees’ report was going to be very hard. As soon as the game ended, they saw in the images that the coup was premeditated. The referee who saw the blow from the front approached quickly because Mariano was knocked out,” the same source told Infobae.

Nevertheless, This would be the third penalty against José Loscocco for assaultbeing the most forceful and that will take him away from the little tables, will also set a precedent in world sport, protecting the safety of athletes above all things.

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