Tuesday, September 24

Three decomposing bodies found in remote Colorado camp

Due to the degradation, autopsies will be difficult and will take at least three weeks.
Due to the degradation, autopsies will be difficult and will take at least three weeks.

Photo: JASON CONNOLLY/AFP/Getty Images

Erika Hernandez

Authorities reported that Three decomposing bodies were found at a remote Rocky Mountain campsite in Colorado.which may have been there since late last year.

A hiker discovered one of the bodies Sunday night and notified authorities, who found the other two after arriving at the campsite Monday, Gunnison County Sheriff Adam Murdie said, according to the AP.

Murdie said that two of the bodies were inside a small, zipped-up tent and the other was outside in the campwhich was in a remote wooded area where hikers would not normally pass.

There were personal belongings and tarpaulins at the scene, and a shed built from local logs over a fire.

“This is not a typical occurrence anywhere, by any means,” Murdie said.

However, the sheriff said his department does not believe the discovery poses any risk to hikers or campers in the area.

The sheriff’s department is looking for missing person reports that may shed light on the situation, but haven’t found any yet, he said.

The officer explained that based on the advanced and “quite mummified” decomposition of the bodies, it is likely that they have been there during the winter and possibly since last fall.

Murdie noted that due to degradation, autopsies will be difficult and will take at least three weeks. In addition, he clarified that the coroner will not release the identities of the deceased until the next of kin have been notified.

“Whether they froze to death in the winter or a combination of starvation and frostbite, that’s what it looks like,” the sheriff said, noting that the actual causes of death won’t be known until autopsies are complete.

Murdie said it’s more common for campers or hunters to die of carbon monoxide poisoning from using heaters indoors, but this appears to be different because of how the bodies were found and the remoteness of the camp.

Investigators are trying to “determine what they were really doing there and why,” Murdie said.

Rock climber died in the Rocky Mountains

The National Park Service reported Tuesday that a 26-year-old woman was killed while climbing in Rocky Mountain National Parkafter falling a distance of approximately 500 feet.

Lhe members of the Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue Team found the lifeless body of the climber, which, according to a 27-year-old man accompanying her, explained that the woman suffered the accident after falling for using the cell phone.

He accident happened Four Aces of Blitzen Ridgewhose crest is located on Ypsilon Mountain, on the east side of the park, where the lifeless body of the person was located, whose identity has not yet been revealed.

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