Tuesday, September 24

Will Juan Carlos Osorio return to Concacaf? The former coach of El Tri has a formal offer from Honduras and considers that it would be “an honor” to lead Costa Rica

Jorge Hernandez

Juan Carlos Osorio makes noise again concacaf, given that the Colombian DT could return to the confederation where he had his greatest achievements, although this time directing another team that would not be the Mexican.

From Egypt, where he works for Zamalek of the first division of the African countryOsorio expressed that it would be “an honor” to train Costa Rica for ESPN, a medium that was able to confirm that, in any case, he has a formal offer on the table to direct Honduras.

Although the gold Cup is in its semifinal phase, for Costa Rica it has already ended, due to the fact that the ticos were eliminated in the quarterfinals at the hands of the mexican teamwhich, coupled with its malfunction in recent games, caused the annoyance of La Sele fans, who are asking for the dismissal of coach Luis Fernando Suárez, which is very possible, because he has not delivered good accounts.

If this happens, one of the candidates to replace him would be Osorio, to whom the sports network questioned what it would mean to command the Ticos, a question that he answered from Africa via text message.

“I don’t want to come across as disrespectful and reckless but the answer may be very long”, start.

“I will try to be precise: I highly respect the potential of Concacaf”, he continued, opening the door to the confederation teams where he has been before.

Juan Carlos Osorio giving instructions the day Mexico defeated Germany in Russia 2018.

Photo: Imago7

However, the DT mentioned what he thinks would cost him more work if he took the reins.

“The biggest challenge would be to implement the ‘eclectic’ methodology, with which we identify ourselves”, he explained, not wanting to delve into the meaning of what he had just said. “I think I have answered her question. Success in your purposes ”, she said, when asked to be more explicit, after accepting that it would be a privilege to accept the challenge. “An Honor/Privilege for any technician who enjoys working under pressure”, asserted.

Finally, after an investigation with close sources, the sports media confirmed that the strategist He does have a proposal to return to Concacaf, but not from Costa Rica, but from Honduras.

Keep reading:

Mexico prevails over Costa Rica and advances to the semifinals of the Gold Cup

Juan Carlos Osorio chose an exotic destination to continue his career

Juan Carlos Osorio raises his hand to lead Mexico again