Monday, October 28

Juan Soler asks for tolerance to those who accuse him of being macho and misogynistic

Gerardo Guillen

Juan Soler reignited the controversy with new statements towards his detractors, whom he accused of being intolerant, while he considered himself tolerant, contrary to what they say, since he has not responded to all the attacks against him.

These words issued during the presentation of the Prime Video series ‘Chavorrucos’ refer to the controversy generated at the end of April when, in an attempt to compliment the legs of his former ‘Sale El Sol’ partner Mónica Noguera, he told her that “They should look amazing on anyone’s shoulders.”

This caused a wave of criticism for being macho and misogynistic, in addition to leading to his departure from the Mexican program, which was added to others that had generated other statements that made reference to trans women, as he assured that he does not like them. “the modern love affairs of women with penises”.

“Everyone interprets what they want to interpret, each one manifests what they carry inside. I don’t have a single problem with gays, with trans people, I have absolutely no problem with anyone.”mentioned the actor during this appearance for Mezcal TV during the presentation of the Prime Video series.

Furthermore, he added that “We have to be much more tolerant. They ask for tolerance. but really the tolerant ones are us, the ones who are permanently attacking us and you don’t punch back. You remain silent and say ‘things will get better’, but I think that tolerance begins with the people who are currently attacking us unjustifiably and without any kind of real argument”.

Keep reading:

  • Juan Soler stars in a passionate kiss with Paulina Mercado and the host reacts
  • Juan Soler melts the networks by starring in a daring photo session with his girlfriend
  • Juan Soler had relations with a goat? The Argentine actor reveals the truth