Friday, October 4

Metro Ambassadors: 'We are here to help you'

Along the platform of the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Metro station in the Willowbrook community walks José Orlando, offering a “good morning” greeting to passengers waiting for the C Line train.

He also asks them how their day is going, if they need help with any Metro rides or if they have questions about the service. His kindness and wide smile help him connect with passengers and fulfill a mission: to make travelers feel comfortable and informed.

Orlando is one of more than 300 Metro Ambassadors the agency deployed earlier this year on buses, trains and stations to help enhance the rider experience. Metro ambassadors wear a lime green shirt, making it easy for passengers to identify them.

The pilot program, which celebrated 100 days of service to the public a few days ago, is present on Line A (blue), Line B (red), Line C (green), Line D (purple), Line K (Crenshaw) and Line L (gold) and on various bus routes. It is also one of the largest Transit Ambassador programs of its kind in the country.

“I like to interact with passengers and it is during that conversation that I tell them about my work,” says Orlando, 59, who is originally from El Salvador. One of his duties is to help passengers find their way around the transit system, whether they want to know which side of the platform to wait for their train on or suggest passengers call the 323 GO Metro number (323-466-3876). where an agent will help passengers with fares, routes, schedules and travel planning.

Metro ambassadors also carry maps of the Metro system that they can give to commuters, allowing Orlando to help them with their routes.

“We help locals and foreigners… Many of them look for the airport. If we talk about tourists, I have already helped people from Mexico, Canada, India and even from South Africa”, says Orlando, who sometimes also assists passengers in some stations of Line B (red) of the Metro.

Additionally, Metro ambassadors provide information on where to purchase and reload a TAP card; In addition, they explain to passengers what options can help them obtain discounted fares, such as the Low-Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program.

These workers are also equipped with communication devices such as cell phones or iPads to communicate with appropriate personnel and report maintenance, cleanliness and safety issues through Metro’s Transit Watch app.

“For example, if there is any graffiti, a broken elevator or a security situation, a passenger tells us… After that, a Metro ambassador goes to check, take photos and report it,” says Orlando.

It should be noted that Metro Ambassadors are not security officers and therefore are not intended to replace existing Metro security or law enforcement personnel. However, they are available to support riders, connect them with resources, and help Metro respond to issues more quickly. “Usually when we explain this to travelers, they are glad that there is an Ambassador available who listens and is there to support them,” says Orlando.

Vanessa Smith, a Metro customer service executive and leader of the pilot program, says Metro Ambassadors also serve as additional eyes and ears on the system. “Passengers are our priority and we want them to feel welcome and comfortable on their journeys,” says Smith.

An important part of the program is that the ambassadors represent the community that Metro serves, so it was key for the contractors to find a staff that in addition to speaking English, also spoke other languages, including Spanish due to the proximity of the Half of Metro riders identify as Latino. “It is very important to be able to communicate with our Latino passengers to address their needs,” says Smith.

One of the Metro ambassadors who speaks both English and Spanish is Yesenia Chávez, 43. The East Los Angeles resident, who provides support on the buses in downtown Los Angeles and on the B Line, remembers that some time ago she helped an elderly lady who was looking for information in Spanish to get to South Gate at visit your son.

“One day I saw her again on Line C and she told me: ‘Mija, thank you very much. My family was surprised to see me arrive,’” Chávez says. “It feels nice to take the time to explain to the passengers and that they feel that they have that support.”

She adds that part of her motivation to help passengers comes from remembering her parents. “I think about how difficult it was for them to get from Mexico to Los Angeles without knowing any English,” she says. “Many people experience the same thing and don’t know where to find information. Therefore, helping the Latino community is my way of doing something so that others don’t go through the same thing”.

While greeting and having a good attitude with passengers is part of being a Metro Ambassador, Chávez stresses that they are habits that we should all do more frequently.

“We live in difficult times, especially after COVID, and a smile or a greeting can make all the difference in the day of the travelers who go to or return from study or work.”

The Metro employee feels the Ambassadors program is valuable because it adds an extra layer of support that is delivered in person; she is someone who will listen to your concern at the moment and will find a way to help you.

Metro Ambassadors have also been trained and certified by the state of California to administer naloxone (Narcan), a medication that helps revive people who have suffered a drug overdose. Chávez, who is studying to be a nurse, says that this is how she recently managed to save the life of a young woman.

In general, Metro ambassadors play an important role in the transportation system as part of the agency’s multi-tiered public safety plan.

“The help we can provide is very diverse. If you see us, come closer to us,” says Chávez. “My colleagues and I are here to help you.”

About the program

Metro ambassadors are present in the system from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 8:00 am. to 10:00 p.m. on weekends. For more information visit: