Monday, September 30

Security Strategies to Avoid Being a Victim of Tire Theft

Ronald Ortega

Many people go through great sacrifices to acquire their vehicles, from raising money for a long time to getting involved in loans that allow them to take home the car they want.

For this reason, the owners try too hard to take care of the integrity of the car, be it on a physical, aesthetic and mechanical level, sometimes battling against those who are dedicated to stealing car parts or elements.

Fairly, one of the most sought after are tires, since they are listed as easy to steal, as they only require a jack and a battery-powered tool to take them away in 10 minutes.

Also, tires cannot be traced, being ideal objects for post-theft marketing, since in addition to being easy to extract they are sold quickly, and if that were not enough, depending on the tires, the complete set could cost between $1,000 and $5,000 dollars.

Faced with this unfortunate reality, Find out what you can do to prevent the tires from from your vehicle are stolen.

Anti-theft strategies

First of all you should know the strategies that do not require investment and you can implement to prevent tire theft, such as parking in well-lit places with good traffic of people.

In the same way, the most ideal thing is to do it near any sidewalk in case you have to leave the car on the street. The closer your vehicle is to the curb, the more difficult it is for a thief to place a jack.

Another strategy to implement is to park with the wheels turnedmaking it difficult for thieves to remove wheel nuts at 45 degree angles.

Now if you want increase security levels You can buy metal covers to block the wheels, being ideal for when you have to leave the car on the street for long periods of time.

you might as well acquire alarms with sensors that will notify you when your vehicle suffers changes in inclination or angles due to its lifting. They usually cost between $250 and $500 dollars.

Finally, purchasing lug locks is often the most common anti-theft solution, since it is relatively inexpensive (about $100 for four), preventing tool access to the tires.

Keep reading

. How to know when your car battery is dying
. Expensive consequences for your vehicle for not repairing failures on time
. How to remove stains from your car body effectively
. What happens in your vehicle if you take a long time to change the motor oil