Sunday, October 6

'En Soy Marleni', Salvadoran therapist writes her story to help others

Yeni Hércules came to the United States as a child, bearing the trauma of her father’s assassination during the Civil War in El Salvador; and the sexual abuse suffered at the hands of a family member.

Three decades later, now a family therapist in Los Angeles, Yeni published her book I’m Marleni heal your inner child in which by telling his story, he seeks to help others, especially Latino mothers and fathers who work long hours and do not speak English; and sometimes, they can’t read or write their own language as was the case with their mother.

“I was born in Santa Ana in El Salvador. I came to the United States when I was 10 years old. I am now 44 years old, and I have lived in this country for 34 years.”

Yeni has a master’s degree in family therapy, specializing in youth and adults.

“I used to work as a therapist for Los Angeles County, but I opened a holistic center to give therapy and yoga and meditation classes. Is called Yen Wellness And it’s in the city of Bellflower.”

Therapist Yeni Hércules says that therapy is not just for the rich. (Araceli Martinez/Real America News)

The opening of his holistic center and his book I’m Marleni They are tied to his childhood.

“I lived a very difficult childhood. My father was assassinated during the Civil War in El Salvador when I was 4 years old. I went through sexual abuse by a family member. My mother sent for me, two years after she came here”.

Yeni says that all those experiences marked her, and seeing that they continue to happen, she decided to write her book I’m MarlenYo.

“My book is not just to tell my story, but I give techniques on, for example, how to speak and listen to a child, how to communicate. I don’t want to scare parents but to support them.”

The book – he says – was planned thinking about how to talk to the Latino community about mental health.

“I wanted to open my heart and tell them, this is me. I have gone through depression and anxiety, and all this is tied to what I experienced in my childhood.

Even in his book he gives tools and telephone numbers of free help lines in the United States, which people can call if they are feeling sad or are going through a crisis, domestic violence, suicide prevention and counseling.

The sails of Yeni Hercules. (I LOVE/THE OPINION)
Candles bring many benefits. (I LOVE/The Opinion)

Yeni says that she has incorporated candles and essential oils into her therapies, and she makes them herself.

“Every candle has a purpose. The oil with purple corn is to heal the inner child; lavender is to relax you; the one with roses is to help people who have depression, anxiety or when there is aggression”.

But he clarifies that the use of essential oils and candles is an optional complement to the therapy that depends on each person to use them or not.

“Making the candles brings me healing, it is something therapeutic. I don’t do it as a job but as a hobby that connects me and relaxes me; and besides, I am offering something to my community”.

mental health resistance

Yeni says that Latinos are resistant to seeking mental help; and many times we do not want to spend on therapy, but he believes that we can make adjustments in spending because it is for our own health.

“We have to look at where we can cut spending a bit, perhaps by buying less coffee on the street or reducing the purchase of beer.”

Talk that the focus of your center Yen Wellness It has always been to put ourselves ahead, always us, especially women.

“I have been in group therapy since I was 16 and I have taken it individually, and for me it is a challenge to put into practice everything I say in therapy, when I go through situations personally or in my family. I have been married for 23 years and I have two children, ages 22 and 20, Alex and Anahí.

Her greatest recommendation to the Hispanic community, and especially to women, is to put yourself first in order to help others.

“I advise you to breathe morning and evening. Take 5 or 6 deep breaths because we are not breathing enough and we must take conscious breaths.

how it helps us

In his book, I’m Marleni, Yeni talks about sexual abuse, about bullying, depression, anxiety, discrimination, but also healing and the power of communication; It provides techniques to deal with each of these situations, and clears up many myths about mental health, such as that therapy is only for crazy people.

“Therapy is for brave and determined people who are willing to overcome their fears, traumas or simply let go of everything that bothers or hurts them, it is as if a great weight were suddenly lifted off your shoulders to be able to live in a different way”, he says in his book.

And he clarifies: “I would lie to you if I said that today I live without fear, hatred or resentment, however, I am in the process of continuing to free myself with the full awareness that everyone can create their destiny.”

He ends by saying: “I know I discovered my life’s mission: to help, support, contribute and inspire people to connect with their essence and heal their inner child.”

Yen Wellness is located at:

16117 Clark Ave, Bellflower, CA 90706

(562) 334-2023