Wednesday, October 9

What zodiac signs suffer in silence

Miguel Angel Castillo

The character of our zodiac sign tells us how we bear sufferingWhile some go beyond showing their emotions, others appear stoic and muster enough courage not to appear vulnerable in public. In the latter are located Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius.

If you belong to any of these signs it is possible that you carry your suffering in silencethat is, you wait to be alone in your room or you lock yourself in the bathroom to cry, scream or burst what you feel inside, however, you will never do it in front of other people.

Perhaps not even your friends or family notice that you have something that eats you inside; before them you show a hard, cold and unbreakable character. Why do Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius suffer in silence? Collective World astrologers explained it in an interesting article.


The Taurus sign on the outside looks rough and thick-skinned, that is, it seems that nothing affects him and he has the character to endure everything. As an earth sign you are practical, logical and unemotional. He has his feet firmly planted on the ground, so he doesn’t get scared by problems.

Taurus analyzes the situation logically before wallowing in a sea of ​​drama, using this energy to find solutions. However, this does not mean that they stop suffering; if something overwhelms them, they wait until they are alone to release their emotions.


Capricorn, like Taurus, is another earth sign that doesn’t see the point in complaining. You know that regretting does not solve anything, have patience and discipline to solve problems; They think you work to be lucky.

If they receive bad news, whatever it is, they suppress their emotions and use their minds to devise the best possible solution. The problem is that they can accumulate many feelings, which are a time bomb waiting to explode in solitude.


This sign clenches its jaw and keeps going. They do not want others to perceive them as vulnerable, weak, or incapable, as they want to set an example of strength. They keep their image cool and calm no matter how chaotic things get; Aquarius is the last to give up.

This sign may not even suffer in solitude because it rationalizes emotions, that is, it is convinced that sadness is superficial and what really matters is working hard to move forward.

Keep reading:
• Which signs have the most bitter character in the Zodiac?
• These are the 5 most insecure signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers
• Find out which zodiac signs are the most misunderstood