Friday, September 27

Powerful chili ritual to appease gossipers and envious

Miguel Angel Castillo

Envious people will never stop talking bad about us behind our backs and will be able to invent gossip that is not true. When for whatever reason it is not possible to put them in their place, a powerful ritual can immediately appease them.

It’s about the homemade spicy chili recipea ritual that aims to cover the mouths of all the gossipy and envious people.

The gossip of these people can affect the normality of your life as it damages your reputation, creates a bad impression of you and even family and friends can change their behavior towards you.

The goal of the envious is sow the seed of doubt so that people turn against you. There are times when it is not possible to appease them, but with this powerful ritual they will have no escape.

Chili ritual against gossipers

Conventional wisdom indicates that For this ritual you need the hottest chili that you can get, for example, a manzano or habanero chile. In addition, you will need a white sheet and a black ink pen.

Write on the paper the name of the envious or gossipy people, then, the reasons why you want to appease them. For example, “(Name of gossiper) stop gossiping about me that is not true because it damages my relationship with my co-workers.”

Remember that this ritual is white magic and the objective is not to return the gossip, but to neutralize its negative energy so that it stops harming us.

Turn on the stove and put a comal over low heat, if you don’t have one, a hot skillet will do.
Fold the paper as small and tight as possible; cut the chile in half without cutting it completely to insert the leaf inside the body, where the veins are.

Now place the chile on the hot griddle or skillet and let it toast; it will emanate a pungent and pungent odor, so open doors and windows.

When it is completely toasted, turn off the griddle or pan, allow the chile to cool and bury it in a pot or garden. You will see that soon they will stop speaking ill of you.

Keep reading:
• Simple ritual to block the negative energy of envious and harmful people
• Garlic and salt to break spells: the most powerful ritual against witchcraft
• Rituals with lemon for good luck in money and love