Sunday, September 22

Panama reinforced security in the Darien Gap to confront crimes against immigrants


By: EFE Posted 03 Jun 2023, 20:41 pm EDT

METETÍ, Panama – The authorities of Panama launched this Friday a campaign that reinforces security in the Darien Gap, the dangerous natural border with Colombiato combat criminal groups that assault and rape immigrants undocumented who cross that pass on their way to the United States.

“This operation (…) goes directly to hit these transnational criminal gangs that are made up of Colombians and Panamanians who are dedicated to beating and insulting migrants who transit through Darién,” said Panama’s Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino, at the Salvador Córdoba Major Base, in Metetí, in the province of Darién.

The “Operation Chocó”, within the “Shield Campaign”, promoted by the Security portfolio together with the National Migration Service and the National Border Service (Senafront – border police), will deploy 1,200 units through the Darien jungle to stop the presence of international criminal groups.

The Darien Gap, one of the most dangerous migration routes in the world, is used daily by hundreds of irregular migrants who want to reach the United States or Canada, many of them mobilized by human smuggling networks.

This area is very dangerous, not only due to the climatic conditions typical of the jungle, but also because ofhearing the presence of armed groups that assault and rape migrants, according to their complaints.

This week, three suspected assailants were killed in a confrontation with Panamanian special forces agents in the Darien jungle.

According to the Minister of Security, “the latest events have made it clear that these gangs have increased”, which is why “police forces from Senan (National Aerovanal Service) and Senafront have been deployed to control this scourge (…) because these gangs are organized by young people who have a leader who may be from the Clan del Golfo”, the largest criminal gang in neighboring Colombia.

In the opinion of the director of Senafront, Oriel Ortega, “criminals are cowards who take what little people carry in a jungle to profit and intimidate them”, and he encouraged “all countries” to unite against “organized criminals transnationals”.

The Panamanian authorities have reiterated this Friday, during the launch of the campaign, that the Darien jungle “is not a migratory route” due to the high danger of the area.

“Darién is not a route, it is a national park of Panama, a lung that we have,” Pino stated.

“The Darién jungle is not a route for humanitarian reasons, we have spoken with hundreds of thousands of people who cross our jungle and tell us about the tragedies, the exploitation of which they are victims by organized crime,” said the director of Migration of Panama, Samira Gozaine.

In the first five months of the year, 166,122 irregular migrants have crossed the Darién, a number almost five times higher compared to the same period in 2022, according to official figures from the Government of Panama. The majority continue to be Venezuelans, followed by Haitians.

It is expected that this year 400,000 migrants will cross the Darién, which would almost double the data of 2022, which closed with the record number of more than 248,000 people in transit.

America is experiencing an unprecedented migration crisis with this massive flow of migrants to the north of the continent in search of better living conditions. There are some 20 million people displaced “right now” in the region, according to data cited by the NGO HIAS.

Keep reading:

– More than 165,000 immigrants crossed the dangerous Darien Gap to the US in 2022
– Three migrant raiders in the Darién died in a shootout with the Panama Police
– The number of migrant minors crossing the dangerous Darién jungle is multiplied by 8