Saturday, September 21

Trump congratulated Kim Jong Un because his country was admitted to the WHO Executive Board, in networks they criticize him

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met in June 2019.
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met in June 2019.

Photo: SAUL LOEB/Getty Images

Maribel Velazquez

donald trump used Truth Social to congratulate Kim Jong Un on North Korea’s admission to the Executive Board of the World Health Organization and beyond the “finger” he committed, they went for the jugular for extolling the North Korean leader.

“Congratulations to Kim Jung! [sic] A!”Trump wrote.

The congratulation immediately drew unfavorable responses, such as that of his opponent in 2024, nikki haley “Kim Jong Un starves his own people. It is a complete farce that North Korea has a leading role in the World Health Organization.”

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was more severe with the criticism “taking back our country from Joe Biden does not start with congratulate the murderous dictator of North Korea.”

Larry Page, former Republican governor of Maryland, joined the criticism and reminded Trump “Kim Jong-Un is an enemy of the United States that threatens peace and freedom. The fact that Trump delusionally believes otherwise makes him a useful idiot to China and unfit to be president.”

He Dr Jong Min Pak became the first North Korean official this week to be appointed to a term of three years for the WHO executive board.

Trump’s congratulations to Jong Un are almost here four years after the two met in the demilitarized zone on the border between the two Koreas, known as ZDC.

That meeting was the first that occurred between an American president and a North Korean one; Trump called the moment “a great day for the world.”

While the North Korean leader stressed that this was the first time that a US president visited his country, for which he praised Trump’s “courage” “For me, it is an honor to be here.”

Keep reading:
• Kim Jong-un appears again with his daughter at a public event in North Korea
• Rumors arise that Kim Jong Un’s daughter could become the new leader of North Korea
• North Korean leader Kim Jong-un celebrated his birthday in resounding silence