Wednesday, October 9

Young man from Texas murdered his parents and siblings because “they were cannibals and they were going to eat him”

The youth was ordered held on $10 million bail.
The youth was ordered held on $10 million bail.


Erika Hernandez

An 18-year-old boy was arrested last Tuesday forr murder his parents and siblings inside his house in the small town of Nash, Texas.

Officers responded that day to a report that a man had harmed his family and was threatening to commit suicide. Arriving at the scene, the police found the young man, identified as César Olalde, barricaded inside a house.

Olalde contacted police and said he “had pulled the trigger and shot his family,” according to a probable cause affidavit from Nash police officer Craig Buster.

The officers persuaded Olalde to turn himself in. When they were able to enter the house, they found the bodies of their parents, Reuben Olalde and Aida Garcia, their older sister Lisbet Olalde, and their younger brother Oliver Olalde, all inside a bathroom.

“It appeared as if the victims had been shot at various locations in the residence and taken to the bathroom.. Multiple spent cartridge cases were found on the floor of the home and blood splattered on multiple surfaces,” according to the affidavit.

The officers indicated that a co-worker of Lisbet Olalde had gone to the house because the woman had not arrived at work and, with the help of a relative, forced his way into the house. There he was confronted by César Olalde, who pointed a firearm at him.

The woman’s co-worker told police that Olalde said that “he had killed his family because they were cannibals and they were going to eat him”says the affidavit.

Bowie County court records show Olalde was ordered held on $10 million bail.

Nash is a city of about 3,800 people on the western edge of Texarkana, near the Arkansas state line.

Keep reading:

  • A 12-year-old boy who shot a Texas restaurant worker with an AR-15 is charged with murder
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