Monday, October 7

The President of Ukraine gave a surprise commencement address at a US university.

The President of Ukraine delivered the commencement address at John Hopkins University.
The President of Ukraine delivered the commencement address at John Hopkins University.

Photo: Will Kirk/Johns Hopkins University / EFE

Maria Ortiz

The president of UkraineVolodymyr Zelensky, gave the graduation address to the students of the Johns Hopkins Universityin Baltimore on Thursday.

Zelensky, speaking via video link from Ukraine, told graduates to use the time and resources they have to pursue their passions and defend the democratic values ​​at stake in Ukraine’s war against Russia.

The president, who spoke by videoconference from Ukraine for about ten minutes, referred to Johns Hopkins as one of the best universities in the world and encouraged students to assess how they want to use the time they have been given, since time It is the most important thing they have, the institution detailed on its website.

During his remarks on Thursday, Zelenskyy described a recent visit to Ukrainian troops at the front, saying that many have dreams and aspirations similar to those of graduating American students.

The difference is that young Ukrainians are forced to endure the collective tragedy of war before pursuing their dreams, Zelensky said.

You have to know exactly what you need today and how you want your tomorrow to be.”

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine

The graduation ceremony was held at the school’s Homewood Field on the university campus.

The University confirmed that the invitation to participate in the ceremony was extended by the center’s president, Ron Daniels, and that Zelensky received an honorary degree during the graduation ceremony.

Daniels sent a letter to the Ukrainian president in which he expressed his hope that “one of the great democratic leaders of our era can address the next generation of leaders.”

On its website, the University explained that Zelensky’s words were broadcast on large screens to the graduates and their families and that virtually none of the attendees knew that the president would speak at the event.

Zelensky also thanked the United States for helping Ukraine defend against the Russian invasion.

President Joe Biden announced a new military aid package for Ukraine on Sunday after meeting with Zelensky during the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

The new package, worth $375 million, includes weapons that the United States has previously sent to Ukraine, such as artillery and armored vehicles.

Keep reading:

– Who are the Russian paramilitary groups fighting against Putin from Ukraine and the doubts generated by their actions
– “Dragon’s teeth” and anti-tank trenches: the satellite images that reveal how Russia is preparing for the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive
– G7: Ukraine dominates the last day of “successful” summit