Friday, September 20

What color will give you good luck throughout the year, according to your zodiac sign

Each sign corresponds to a color that will give it strength throughout the 2021

Qué color te dará buena suerte durante todo el año, según tu signo zodiacal
There is a color that favors each sign in the 2021.

Photo: Andreas Fickl / Pexels

Each color has a certain vibration that has a influence in our life and although its meaning may vary depending on the cultures, psychic experts say that there is one that favors us to be lucky so they recommend using it all year round.

How to choose the right one from the whole range of varieties? According to the seer Aisha Wallick one of the most successful ways is according to your zodiac sign . The energy of a specific color vibrates in tune with each of the signs and will depend on the year we are studying. From the site it shares the color that will give you good luck throughout the year .

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Aries – Red

The color of the 2021 for all Aries is red. The expert recommends using it in soft tones and only on one garment. Likewise, it suggests lighting a red candle to improve the economy and move with spirit throughout the year.

Taurus – Pink

Pink will vibrate in tune with the energy of 2021 and Taurus since their sensuality will be on the surface. It will not only be an attractive year in love, but in the economy, which is why Wallick suggests that women wear pink makeup and men wear a bracelet on the wrist or foot.

Gemini – Yellow

The Yellow will reflect the fun personality of Gemini and flatter him financially. It will give you the strength to learn to be alone and it will bring you financial luck. To make the most of the energy of the 2021 you must light a yellow candle.

Cancer – White

You need to find the peace you didn’t have in the 2020, so that the seer suggests Cancer to use the color white. This will give you peace of mind and help you to leave the negativity that dragged on from last year.

Leo – Green

Green is the color Leo needs to meet the earrings that he dragged from last year. It will give you the strength to make the best decisions and have the success you have been looking for.

Virgo – Honey

It is a whimsical tone, but it will undoubtedly help you improve family relationships and reconcile with people you did not see ago long time. And this year you could feel lonely and need energy to feel close to those you appreciate.

Libra – Gold

Libra is a sign that dislikes conflict and 2021 could augur moments of tension, mainly, in the family environment, according to the expert. That is why he suggests using golden tones during the year to calm confrontations and have peace.

Scorpio – Silver

The color silver will promote a positive opinion in Scorpios, particularly in the professional field. The energy of this tone will favor promotions and the economic aspect.

Sagittarius – Violet

You will want to be alone, which could cause conflicts. For this reason, Aisha Wallick suggests Sagittarius use purple to avoid confrontations because this year she will have to learn to manage difficult moments.

Capricorn – Navy Blue

Navy blue will give all Capricorns clarity they need, mainly, on the subject of love. And it is the seer predicts that this year someone will come who will make them a loving proposal which will make you reflect.

Aquarius – Light gray

For Aquarius it can be a year with little energy and, in the beginning, with labor difficulties But as the days go by, things will improve in terms of work and the economy. Light gray will give you calm, tranquility and reinforce your low energy.

Pisces – Sky blue

The color of Pisces for the 2021 is the azure blue which will bring tranquility and happiness to your year. Aisha Wallick says it will be an ideal time to cultivate friendships and return to friends from the past.

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