Friday, September 20

The meditation trick that will help you complete your energy transition to 2021

El truco de meditación que te ayudará a completar tu transición energética al 2021

Meditation helps to release the past.

Photo: Benjamin Child / Unsplash

The 2020 was a complex year that affected many aspects of the emotional and professional plane of most of the people. It is not easy to leave behind everything that happened, so the full transition to 2021 might not be completed , according to experts who work with energy healing.

How to know that you have not yet taken the step towards a new cycle? The emotional charge is an important factor to consider. There are times when, for whatever reasons, we remember what happened in the past and we don’t let it go. Every cycle ends it is necessary to dedicate a brief moment of mourning (similar to the one we live in the loss of a loved one) to release all the emotions that were generated during the year.

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This procedure is called a ‘rite of passage’. These rituals, as explained by the interior exploration specialist Lidia González, help to process the cycle that is going to release it while we integrate what happened in it inside us, and move on.

It is important to be grateful for all that we live and let it go in peace to create that space in us and receive what is to come, he added. The trick to complete the energetic transition to 2021 is found in meditation and the expert shared on how to do it. Next, we review it.

Step 1 : Put on comfortable and pay attention to how your belly moves to the rhythm of your breathing.

Step 2 : Close your eyes and let your body relax by taking deep breaths and gently exhaling.

Step 3 : View your 1200 from a general perspective, look at it as if you are flying over it.

Step 4 : Think about the most difficult moments you went through, remember them as if you will live them again including the emotions. Fondly welcome them so that your body processes them.

Step 5 : Now think about all the good things you experienced during the 2020. Remember those moments that gave you happiness and the emotions that they generated in you. Celebrate by thanking the universe for the opportunity it gave you to live them.

Step 6 : Once you have processed the difficult and happy moments, see them as a whole and watch them disappear in the distance.

Step 7 : You will feel that there is a space inside you to receive the new, with the advantage that you have the energy on your side to choose how the present cycle will be.

Step 8 : Ask yourself what you need in your life to be in touch with yourself / ay once you get the answer, open your eyes.

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