Tuesday, September 24

For the first time in three years, Diamond Valley Lake, the largest reservoir in southern California, is filled

Diamond Valley Lake registers a water level that has not been seen for three years.
Diamond Valley Lake registers a water level that has not been seen for three years.

Photo: ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

The Metropolitan Water District (MWD) announced on Monday an event that had not been seen in at least the last three years, the fill of the largest reservoir in southern California, Diamond Valley Lake, in Hemet, Riverside County.

The intense storms that have been recorded so far this year have helped drastically reduce the alarming levels of drought that California had suffered.

Thanks to the heavy rainfall, the main reservoirs in the state have satisfactorily recovered their levels, and Diamond Valley Lake could not be left behind.

An aerial view of water refilling into Diamond Valley Lake for the first time in three years. Built in the late 1990s, DVL is the largest reservoir in #SoCal. Without this 810,000 acre-foot reservoir, the impact of the dry cycle on the region would have been far worse. #CAWater pic.twitter.com/ClUV9KTyrH

— MWD of SoCal (@mwdh2o) March 28, 2023

Officials with MWD, which serves about 19 million people in six Southern California counties, held a meeting with state officials at Diamond Valley Lake in Hemet.to publicize “operational actions” that will maximize the amount of water stored in depleted reservoirs and groundwater basins.

Although levels at Diamond Valley Lake, there are some areas of the region that cannot receive water because they are located at higher elevations.

As reported, the MWD is aware of that problem, so A project is being studied to take water from the lake and pump it to the communities that are located at higher elevations. and that they had to reduce the use of the liquid during the dry season.

“We are in the design, we are going to begin the construction of different elements of that project. In a few years, water from Diamond Valley Lake will be taken north through the inland feeder near Silverwood Lake to feed various agencies on the east side of our system,” the Metropolitan Water District said.

Keep reading:

· Only 36% of California remains in drought conditions after storms
Southern California lifts water restrictions for 7 million people
Winter storms recharge California reservoirs