Monday, September 30

Rafa Puente calls a live journalist on ESPN “stupid” and then apologizes to widespread rejection

Kike Frias

By: Kike Frias Posted Mar 28, 2023, 1:40 pm EDT

Delicate controversy that has been formed in the last few hours around an inappropriate (and vulgar) insult uttered by the analyst Rafa Puente against one of the ESPN reporters, Irene Maldonado.

It all happened on the show Spicy Soccer in which Maldonado was presenting a news report on Pumas de la UNAM after the departure of Puente’s son, Rafa Puente del Río as coach. The journalist’s analysis of what In the university club there was a “fire” the commentator did not like it and muttered that she was “stupid”.

In the video taken from the Futbol Picante program of ESPN it can be heard when Puente mutters in the studio “daughter of….., all stupid”to which the moderator, Álvaro Morales, had an expression of surprise that he could not hide on camera.

Immediately after the report by Irene Maldonado, the analyst vented and defended his son’s management at the head of Pumas: “It makes me uncomfortable, my son is in the middle, that I know with the seriousness that he works, the capacity that he has, I even dare to say. I debate with anyone the volume of play he had in various games.

General rejection of Rafa Puente and solidarity with the journalist

Comments about the event began to emerge through social networks almost immediately and to reject, not so much Rafa Puente’s defense position with his son, but the inappropriate comment that was finally heard on television.

At ESPN’s own plant several communicators expressed their solidarity with Adriana Maldonado, including David Faitelson and Cristina Alexander; The latter added in her message “we are stronger together.”

My complete solidarity with you @AdriMaldonadoL. Nothing and no one has the right to disrespect you for a journalistic point of view or information.
I am and will always be with you…
A hug.

— David Faitelson (@Faitelson_ESPN) March 28, 2023

“Nothing and no one has the right to disrespect you for a journalistic point of view or information. I am and will always be with you” david faitelson

Rafa Puente apologizes for what happened

In a long statement, Rafa Puente demonstrated why he has been in the analysis of Mexican soccer for more than three decades and offered a sincere apology, not only to Adriana Maldonado, whom he seriously insulted, but also to ESPN viewers and those who have followed him since entered that plant in 2007.

“I never should have even thought about what I ended up saying, that’s why I apologized to my partner, my partner Adriana Maldonado,” emphasized in the Puente text.

He also added that he will always be in favor of freedom of expression and even applauded the objectivity in the analysis shown by his colleague.

Rafa Puente also admitted that he was carried away by the feelings that unite him with his son, despite the fact that he is in a position of criticism and analysis, not as a defender of the former Pumas coach: “I lost objectivity like never before” .

Keep reading:

  • Antonio Mohamed’s Pumas would look for two Tigres figures for the next Liga MX tournament
  • Official: Antonio Mohamed is presented as the new DT of Pumas de la UNAM
  • David Faitelson described the players of the Mexican National Team as “mediocre and losers” and supports boos from the fans