Monday, September 30

Trump says Stormy Daniels case 'is dead'

Daniels took the president to court in an effort to cancel a confidentiality agreement.
Daniels took the president to court in an effort to cancel a confidentiality agreement.

Photo: TOBIAS SCHWARZ/AFP/Getty Images

Maribel Velazquez

Saturday March 18 donald trump assured that the attorney general of Manhattan, Alvin Braggwould arrest him three days later for the payment of $130,000 dollars that he secretly did to the porn model Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about the affair they had in the 2016 elections.

A week after that incendiary message, Trump has taken on Truth Social again to launch a false claimassured that the investigation “is dead” for lack of “evidence”.

“The Manhattan DA’s Witch Hunt Against Me Is (Dead)there is no evidence at all, and it has been conclusively proven that I did nothing wrong!” Trump said while criticizing his elaborate Michael Cohen.

“However, the evidence against his ‘star’ witness (Michael Cohen) it’s overwhelming. An attorney already disbarred and a convicted felon, the only question left is whether the District Attorney’s Office will sue him for lying and fraud. They should!” he wrote.

In addition, he told an NBC News reporter during a rally in Waco, Texas, “I think they already dropped the case. From what I understand, I think it has been ruled out.”

in the same interview referred to “death and destruction” that he visualized in case he was arrested; the former president said that although he is against violence “many people are upset” for everything you are going through.

Keep reading:
• Stormy Daniels says that phone records with Trump are “going to hurt”
• “Alvin, I’m going to kill you”, a prosecutor investigating Trump receives an envelope with a threat and suspicious powders
• Trump visualizes “potential death and destruction” in case of being charged