Sunday, October 6

Mexico accused the US of lying in its annual human rights report on that country

AMLO said that the US lied in its annual report on human rights in Mexico and other countries.
AMLO said that the US lied in its annual report on human rights in Mexico and other countries.

Photo: RODRIGO ARANGUA / AFP / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, accused this Tuesday US Department of State of “lying” in his annual report on human rights regarding Mexico, where he accused Mexican authorities of torture and criticized the Mexican president’s treatment of journalists and activists.

“It is not true, they are lying, it is pure politicking, with all due respect. It is that it is their nature, they do not want to abandon the Monroe Doctrine and before the so-called Manifest Destiny, they do not want to change, so they believe they are the Government of the world”, declared the president of Mexico in his daily press conference, after the report was released of the US Department of State on human rights violations by the Mexican authorities, which It does not refer only to that country.

López Obrador thus referred to the annual report prepared by the Department of State on human rights to deliver to Congress and in which they denounced the “high levels of impunity”, the violence of organized crime and the attacks on migrants in Mexico

The State Department’s annual report on human rights also accused security forces of all levels in Mexico of extrajudicial killings, forced disappearance and arbitrary arrests.

And he singled out the Mexican president for “discrediting” journalists and civil society organizations in his daily press conferences.

The document, prepared by the Department of State and related to 2022, once again expresses concern about the high levels of impunity in Mexico and by the violence perpetrated by organized crime.

On the situation of freedom of the press in the country, it states that 15 journalists were murdered last year and that 11 of those crimes were related to their work.

The United States considers that “the high levels of impunity” in these crimes generate “self-censorship and reduce freedom of expression and of the press.”

The State Department report released Monday analyzed human rights in nearly 200 countries and territories and in his presentation, the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken He said: “This report provides a factual, objective and rigorous account of human rights conditions around the world, looking at nearly 200 countries and territories. And, most importantly, it applies the same standards to everyone: to our allies and partners, and to countries with whom we have differences.”

Human rights are universal. They are not defined by any country, philosophy or region. They apply to everyone, everywhere.

Anthony BlinkenUS Secretary of State

Faced with the accusations, López Obrador responded that “they only see the speck in the eye of others and not the beam in their own” when questioning the case against the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, wanted in the United States for revealing confidential information.

“Just say that it is not true, that they are liars, but that they are not going to take it badly either. It is as if we were evaluating them here. Let’s see, human rights: Hey, why don’t you release Assange, if you’re talking about journalism and freedom?” she said.

The president also reacted to the report that Mexico’s efforts against drug trafficking had “limited results.”

“Why is a cartel or several cartels allowed to operate in the United States that freely distribute the fentanyl that does so much harm to young people in that country? Or tell them: let’s see, what are you doing for young people so that they don’t consume fentanyl? ”, She mentioned.

The report is published as pressure grows in the US for Mexico to act against drug cartels and fentanyl trafficking, particularly after the kidnapping this month of four Americans on the border between the two countries, where they killed two from them.

With information from EFE

Keep reading:
• Searching for missing persons in Mexico is paid with life
• Survivors of indigenous massacre denounce violence in Mexico, fear a repeat of the tragedy
• “Hermano Ramón”, protector of migrant women and children in Chiapas, went into exile in the US due to death threats