Monday, September 30

Daiana Guzmán, a young man who denounced Kalimba in the past for sexual abuse, sends a message to Melissa Galindo

By: Fabiola Hinojosa Posted Mar 18, 2023, 17:02 pm EDT

Kalimba was behind bars in 2010 because Daiana Guzmán denounced him for alleged sexual abuse. Now the young woman reappeared to send a message to the singer Melissa Galindowho a few days ago accused the member of OV7 for a similar crime.

“I do believe you. I don’t know her, I say this so there are no misunderstandings but I believe her only because she was the same person who assaulted me 13 years agosaid the girl with kary alejandre.

“Here I am and I support her, well if she needs my moral support,” Daiana Guzmán insisted in the video posted on YouTube.

Daiana Guzmán was a minor when she denounced Kalimba

Kalimba was imprisoned in the Chetumal Readaptation Center for seven days due to the accusation of Daiana Guzmán, who was a minor at the time and denounced the singer-songwriter for alleged sexual abuse.

It is worth mentioning that the OV7 member was released due to lack of evidence to prove the crime, although the alleged victim insists that she told the truth.

“From the moment I filed the complaint I was the perpetrator, for the whole world I was the culprit despite the fact that I had been abused… I am not the only one who has denounced it but I was the only one who was judged , whom they pointed out and said that it was not true,” said Daiana Guzmán.

“It was a difficult process [superarlo]of years. [Ahora] I feel good, sure of myself… I’m sure of who I am, of what was denounced,” she added.

It may interest you:

–Pablo Montero gives his opinion on the alleged sexual abuse of Kalimba against the singer: “He who owes nothing, fears nothing”

–Kalimba denies sexual abuse of Melissa Galindo: “I will take legal action for defamation”

–The Mexican singer Kalimba is once again accused of abusing a young artist | VIDEO