Friday, September 20

The FBI warns of possible armed protests by Trump supporters (and what the security measures will be at Biden's inauguration)

The FBI has warned that supporters of Donald Trump could carry out armed protests in different parts of the United States in the days before the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden.

There are reports that there are armed groups that plan to meet in the legislatures of the 43 states and Washington DC in the days prior to the swearing-in and the same 17 of January, when Biden is to be sworn in as president, putting Thus the end of Trump’s mandate.

The concern to avoid the repetition of scenes like those of last January 6, when the assault by Trump’s followers on the Washington Capitol left 5 people dead has made that security measures are reinforced.

Una integrante de la Guardia Nacional vigila el Capitolio.
The National Guard will participate in the operation security.

Those responsible for the security operation They are determined that the rulings that allowed rioters to violently enter the headquarters of Congress to prevent it from certifying Biden’s victory in the elections will not occur again.

Biden said on Monday not to be afraid to take possession outside the Capitol.

What more protests are planned

The American media assure that Security forces prepare for potential additional outbreaks of violence across the country in the days until Biden becomes president.

From digital platforms To which Trump supporters and far-right groups are attending, various protests have been called on different dates, including armed demonstrations in cities across the country on 17 and a march in Washington on the same day of the inauguration.

An internal bulletin of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI, for its acronym in English) reported by ABC and other media in the United States warned that a group is calling its followers to raid the headquarters of federal, state, and local courts across the country if Trump steps down as president.

Local police departments have received directions from federal agencies to tighten security around the headquarters of state legislatures after recent episodes of violence.

Reuters agency quoted a federal security officer which said that the FBI warnings are maintained for all the capitals of the states of the 16 to 20 of January and for Washington DC at least three days before the inauguration.

Although the focus was on what happened at the Congress headquarters in the capital, similar incidents on a smaller scale were reported in other parts of the country.

Meanwhile, have increased the voices from the Democratic side, which have been joined by some Republicans, who demand that Trump be removed from the presidency even before the few days remaining in his mandate are exhausted.

What are the measurements of security for the inauguration of Biden

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed Monday that it will begin operations for what it considers a Special Event of Homeland Security Wednesday.

Chad Wolf, acting Homeland Security Secretary, said he instructed the Secret Service to launch special operations ahead of the inauguration on Wednesday, 6 days before Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, assume their positions.

The decision was made, in Wolf’s words, “in light of the events of the past week and an evolving security scenario.”

Official sources state that up to 10. 000 troops from the National Guard could be made available to the operation.

Later, Wolf became the third member of Trump’s cabinet to resign since the Capitol riots, after Secretary of Transportation Betsy DeVos and Secretary of Education Elaine Chao did.

Wolf had called Trump last week to “Firmly condemn” the actions of the assailants on the Capitol.

His departure leaves his department in confusion at a time when the preparations for the security plan for the inauguration of the new president were accelerating .

The outgoing secretary explained that his resignation was due to “recent events”, including judicial decisions that put into question the legal validity of his appointment.

The appointment The assumption of Biden as a Special National Security Event allows a wide range of security forces to coordinate in a joint plan of protection measures, such as the cutting of roads and the establishment of security perimeters.

The announcement came after the mayor of Wa shington, Muriel Bowser, made a public call for increased security after what happened on January 6, which she described as “an unprecedented terrorist attack” against the Capitol.

Bowser also asked Americans to refrain from traveling to the capital for the inauguration.

Normally, every time a new one is started presidency, the ceremony draws thousands of people to the streets of Washington, but the covid pandemic had already made expectations for this year lower even before the potential risks to public order that have increased the measures were known.

The head of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson, said on Monday that 10. 000 Soldiers will be in Washington DC over the weekend, with about 5. 000 more available if requested by local authorities.

On the other hand, the National Park Service announced that it had closed the monument to George Washington, the famous obelisk located on the esplanade in front of the Capitol due to “credible threats of violence.”

“Groups that participated in the January 6 riots on the Capitol continue to threaten to boycott the presidential inauguration of the 17 said the service in a statement, in which it also reported that other monuments could be seen Affected by temporary closures.

Speaking while receiving the second dose of the covid vaccine, Biden said he was not “scared” to be sworn in outside the Capitol despite warnings from the security agencies d.

Biden recibe su vacuna contra el coronavirus en Newark, Delaware.
Biden said he had spoken with several senators about his intentions in a possible impeachment of Trump.

His team has ensured that the speech with which he will inaugurate his presidency will revolve around the theme of a “united America”.

Upon inauguration, Biden is expected to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony alongside former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, in an attempt to underscore his message in favor of unity.

Trump has announced that he will not attend the ceremony, thus becoming the first president in 73 years in not attending the inauguration of his successor.

What about the “impeachment”

The warnings about new outbreaks of pro-Trump violence come amid Democratic efforts to promote the “impeachment” of the president for his role in the Capitol riots, which killed five people.

The The House of Representatives registered the accusation against Trump for “inciting insurrection” at a rally prior to the assault on Congress in which he insisted without presenting evidence that he had “stolen” the election.

The Democratic majority in the House said that on Wednesday the impeachment will be voted there if the vice president, Mike Pence, has not invoked his constitutional powers to remove Trump from the presidency.

Trump does not has made public statements again after it was blocked on Friday on various social networks, including Twitter.

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