Friday, September 20

Alfredo Adame could go to prison after losing trial with Diana Golden: “The arrests are coming”

Diana Golden assures that Alfredo Adame could be arrested.
Diana Golden assures that Alfredo Adame could be arrested.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

Rocio Garcia

in 2018 Diana Golden filed a complaint against Alfredo Adame for defamation and moral damage, which was won by her and she got the authorities to order the presenter to pay compensation of $28,000 Mexican pesos and the publication of said sentence in the same media that he used to speak ill of her.

And although the presenter has already finished paying said amount of money, he still needs to share the document that agrees with his ex-wife, so during a recent meeting with the media the actress announced that she was they could issue arrest warrants against Alfredo Adame in case you continue to refuse to comply with the resolution of the authorities.

In an interview with various media, Golden explained that he already wants to end this process, but he will only be satisfied until the controversial actor completes his sentence and shows that everything he said is not true, because this situation is causing serious consequences for your health.

“It is affecting me. Emotionally my stomach is literally destroyed. Very soon they will see me in the hospital. I have a tremendous hiatal hernia and nervous colitis,” she commented.

He also explained that Adame has to publish the sentence in which he was forced to pay non-pecuniary damage and its respective reparation, while his lawyer supplemented the information, revealing that so far he has only complied with part of the sentence.

“The sentence condemns him to an economic sanction that is close to 30 thousand pesos that he has already complied with, on the other hand, they sentence him to the publication of the sentence in the same media in which he spread the attacks on the lady,” he said.

And he was punctual in ensuring that, in case the driver does not comply, an administrative arrest warrant will be issued for non-compliance with a court order.

“That is the part that he has not complied with and he will begin to be sanctioned with arrest. He was already penalized with fines, now administrative arrests come where you will have to pay 12, 24, 36 hours And that’s how we will be until I publish this sentence. You have to pay the legal damage or he will begin to be sanctioned with administrative arrests, in the Center for Administrative Sanctions”, he pointed out.

Regarding the recent street fight that starred his ex, Diana Golden confessed that she does not know exactly what happened, but what she is sure of is that she regrets having met him because she keeps making fools of herself despite her age.

“I didn’t see her, when I got to the TV, they were all laughing, but it must have been funny, you just see her getting up from the street, but I don’t know what she did. He likes to throw his bicycle kicks. It makes me laugh. He is already very old to make ridiculous Since I was little, he was like that and I met him when I was little. Right now it’s a shame, she aged ugly, ”she added to his comments.

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