Thursday, October 24

Michael Cohen hands over cell phones to Manhattan prosecutors as part of Stormy Daniels investigation

Michael Cohen is working with Manhattan prosecutors.
Michael Cohen is working with Manhattan prosecutors.

Photo: HECTOR RETAMAL / AFP/Getty Images

Maribel Velazquez

This week a grand jury will hear Testimonials on the role Donald Trump played in the “secret” payment to Stormy Daniels (who claims to have slept with the former president) to keep her quiet during the 2016 campaign. The investigation into the alleged payments has escalated because the former president’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, turned over his cell phones to Manhattan prosecutors who are investigating the charges. payments of $130,000 thousand dollars in cash to the model.

The former Trump employee revealed in an interview with CNN that is cooperating with the authorities in the investigation into the attempt to silence the porn star so that she would not make her relationship with the former president public.

“Recently they asked me for my cell phones because they want to be able to extract from them the voice recordings that I had with Keith Davidson, a former attorney for Stormy Daniels before Michael Avenatti, as well as a bunch of emails, text messages and so on,” Cohen revealed after a meeting he had with prosecutors earlier this month.

The lawyer also stated that cell phones are “new to the district attorneyeven though federal investigators obtained them after the FBI searched his home five years ago.

Cohen pleaded guilty to federal campaign finance charges and was sentenced to three years in prison, in 2018, for facilitating the payment of $130,000 thousand dollars to the porn star, the same as the trump organization reimbursed him; the lawyer spent most of his sentence confined to his Manhattan apartment.

Daniel has revealed that he slept with Trump when he was married to Melania Trump, who on that occasion was newly released as the mother of his son Barron.

“With murder and violent crime on the rise like never before in New York City, the radical left-wing district attorney of ManhattanAlvin Bragg, just leaked to the fake news media that he still they’re chasing Stormy ‘Horseface’ Daniels’” Trump wrote on Monday afternoon through his social network.

The model did not hesitate to respond through her Twitter account “Thank you for admitting that I was telling the truth about everything. I suppose that I’ll take my “horse face” to bed now, Mr. former “president”. By the way, that’s the correct way to use quotes.”

Thanks for just admitting that I was telling the truth about EVERYTHING. 😂 Guess I’ll take my “horse face” back to bed now, Mr. former “president”.
Btw, that’s the correct way to use quotation marks. 💋

—Stormy Daniels (@StormyDaniels) January 31, 2023

Witnesses who arrived in Manhattan include David Peckerformer editor of the National Enquirer who previously admitted to prosecutors that he worked on the Trump campaign in 2016 to arrange secret payments for Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

It may interest you:
– Attorney Michael Avenatti found guilty of defrauding porn actress Stormy Daniels
– Porn star Stormy Daniels responds to Melania Trump, who called her a “porn hooker”
– Trump called Hispanics “stupid”, says his former lawyer