Tuesday, October 22

Marco Antonio Solís: He refuses to send greetings to a follower fighting cancer

Marco Antonio Solis.
Marco Antonio Solis.

Photo: The Top News / Courtesy

mandy fridmann

After he attended the wedding of his friend Marc Anthony, Marco Antonio Solís took advantage of his stay in Miami to meet with the entertainment press and several presenters of television shows to announce his new tour.

The appointment was in a boat, which already with the press on board, set sail to do the interviews in the middle of the seaand the singer to be able to promote what will be his biggest job and monetary income of 2023. PBut what no one is expected, in a moment of such joy, that Solís refused to send a greeting to a follower who is fighting cancer.

The fan is the mother of one of the journalists who were summoned to interview him. After a nice talk where Buki promoted his tour, his work, what is coming and what he will offer the public, the reporter told him that his mother was one of his faithful followers, that she was fighting breast cancer and that she was 3 radiation sessions from finishing treatmentwhat if they could send them together a video with a greeting to help encourage her at this time.

What the journalist, and the rest of the press that was witnessing that moment, least expected was to see the refusal of Marco Antonio Solís to make the video of just a few seconds to his follower. Faced with the awkward moment, the reporter just thanked him and left..

Clear, with no chance of getting off the boat, because as we told you at the beginning of the article, once everyone was on board, they sailed into the middle of the sea.

Another from his colleague from another mediumto be sure that it had not been a misunderstanding, and taking into account that there was no lack of time, since everyone had to stay in the boat until nightfall until it returned to the pier, He approached Marco Antonio, to reiterate the journalist’s request for his mother and, again, the singer-songwriter refused to make the video.

Nevertheless, hours later, and before the boat returned to its destination, the journalists who wanted to had to form a line to take a ‘selfie’ with Marco Antonio, something that the singer agreed to do happily.

Many times we hear news from followers or fans who complain that some artists refuse to take a photo with them, perhaps because it was not the right time, or because the talent is in a private situation, but on this occasion it strikes us that someone, who has always shown to be very kind, empathetic and religious, being in the middle of promoting their tour, with the press summoned for them, has reacted in this way.

We tried to communicate with the Marco Antonio Solís team to have a reaction or an answer from the artist, but until the closing of this article we have not received a response.


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