Friday, September 20

Slow vaccination: California has administered 800 thousand of the 2.5 million coronavirus vaccines it has

Governor Gavin Newsom assured that the state aims to vaccinate one million more people this week

Vacunación lenta: California ha administrado 800 mil de las 2.5 millones de vacunas de coronavirus que tiene
Newsom himself is in quarantine after possible exposure.

Photo: Jae C. Hong-Pool / Getty Images

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom assured this Monday that the state is preparing to add massive new vaccination sites in a new effort to increase vaccine distribution and administer at one million doses before Sunday.

Newsom, who recently acknowledged that the process had been slow , revealed that since the approval of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the state has received a total of 2, 125, 125 dose and has only managed 783, 550 until last Sunday.

The governor emphasized that the golden state will seek to administer a million extra doses to the number previously indicated by the end of this week, for which they will create vaccination centers where until now were large test sites , including the Dodgers Stadium, Padres Stadium and CalExpo.

NEW: CA will be opening mass vaccination sites this week including Dodgers Stadium, Padres Stadium, and CalExpo.

Our goal continues to be fast, equitable, and safe vaccinations statewide.

– Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) January 12, 2021

The president assured that there is a whole machinery in the state working to expedite the administration of vaccines in Californians and reported that they added new healthcare workers to the priority list of Phase 1A, such as Pharmacists, Paramedics and Dentists .

Newsom reported that the next group of people with priority access to receive the vaccine in Phase 1B, will be people older than 80 years, teachers and professors , as well as essential workers of food services and agriculture .

Until this Monday, California has registered 2, 710, 801 cases of coronavirus and 75, 801 deaths from the disease and remains the epicenter virus in the United States.

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