Friday, September 20

Yadhira Carrillo confesses how they tell Juan Collado inside the prison

The actress also revealed how Juan Collado spent Christmas and New Year in prison

Yadhira Carrillo confiesa cómo le dicen a Juan Collado dentro del reclusorio
Yadhira Carrillo and Juan Collado.

Photo: Archive / Reform Agency

Juan Collado has been in prison since July 2019, accused of various crimes such as organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin, however, Yadhira Carrillo has remained by his side and completely safe of her innocence.

Shortly before entering the North prison in Mexico City to visit her husband, the actress shared with the media how they spent Christmas and New Year Again, ensuring that thanks to his religious beliefs the lawyer has managed to cope with his stay in prison.

He spends many hours in prayer, he is very religious since all his life, that has kept him strong and the company of his family is what has kept him at peace “, expressed the protagonist of telenovelas before the cameras of ‘Ventaneando’.

Laughingly, he revealed the nickname he has earned Collado inside the prison:

“That’s right, they say it’s the church where he is, we pass by with ‘Father Collado’, he’s at mass, but all is well,” he added.

Yadhira Carrillo does not lose hope of seeing her husband released, as he once again assured that he is innocent of the strong accusations he faces :

Amen, This is how it should be, we have full confidence in the justice of Mexico and in God. Above all, because Juan is an innocent person, starting from there “, he added.

For the television star, the lawyer’s older children are very supportive at the moment and he even considers them his children:

Juan boy is like a son to me and Mar is also a daughter to me, they have always been close, pending, they have been a gift from God so great in my life. I had no children, but God sent me those two that would have been the letter to Santa Claus that I would have asked for children, they are the dream children of any father and mother “, he said.

Before concluding, he reiterated his interest in returning to telenovelas, an activity that would serve as therapy to forget the situation your family faces:

Probably (I would accept a work proposal), we do not know, if it is given with great pleasure. It would be very nice for me, it is something that I do not rule out nor will I ever rule out because it is part of my life, it would be therapeutic of course. Thinking of other things, doing other things, suddenly this topic and being alone at home is tiring for any human being “, pointed out.